Page 13 - BiTS_07_JULY_2024_Neat
P. 13

DS:  Yeah, I wouldn't say I've thrown away that much. I mean, probably out of the tracks I think

    we've probably written about 27 or 28 songs and some of them we haven't yet released. That's
    probably  in  total,  but  we've  got  a  couple  of  tracks  where  Ritchie  has  presented  the  guitar
    structure and the chord and it's absolutely brilliant but for whatever reason, I've had a bit of a
    block where it's not come instantly. I think there's been maybe about three songs like that where,
    like with one particular song, I sort of call it our Aerosmith-y song. It's got like an Aerosmith-y
    rock vibe.

    Nobody's actually heard that yet and we've not released it. But for some reason, although Ritchie’s
    guitars, in my opinion are brilliant, really good, for some reason, it's not quite gelling for me. So
    because I've got a slight block on it, I've put that one to one side. So maybe out of the total songs
    I might have put to one side, maybe about three songs, but that's probably all. And it's not to say
    that I won't revisit them, and
    I won't go back to it, but if I
    don't feel comfortable with it,
    or  if  I  don't  feel  it's  quite
    gelling, I'd rather move on and
    go to something that's easier
    and comes straight away.

    BiTS:  Talking of moving on,

    let's     talk      about      this
    competition that you're both
    entered  into.  First  of  all,  tell
    me exactly what it is. And then
    secondly,  tell  me  how  you
    ended up where you are.

    DS:    Yes.  Well,  I  mean,  for
    Ritchie and I, it's like, terribly,
    terribly  exciting.  So  it's  the
    International              Singer-
    Songwriters           Association
    Awards. So basically, we were
    nominated in five separate categories. Then luckily, we've ended up being finalists in two. So the
    one is International Duo of the year, music duo of the year and the other one is International
    Male Music Video of the year. I’m not quite sure why it's male music video because obviously
    I'm in it as well, but there you go [chuckles].

    RDP:  It’s because they thought I was really pretty [laughs].

    DS:  [Laughing] And I'm not quite sure why that is, but basically, the awards are held in Atlanta
    in a place called Sandy Springs. We've actually booked our tickets and hotel already. Whether
    we win or not, that I really don't know. I mean, if we do, absolutely marvellous, then it really will
    be wonderful. But basically, we were shortlisted from a lot of different people.

    RDP:  Yeah, I mean, to be nominated in five categories internationally, was fantastic. We stayed
    up till about two or three in the morning when they were announcing the finalists. But to be a
    finalist, you have to get something like 70,000 votes.

    DS:  Yeah.

    BiTS:  Wow!
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