Page 9 - BiTS_07_JULY_2024_Neat
P. 9



     Ritchie Dave Porter and his life partner Debra Susan are burning a new
     path for the blues. The last time I interview him (alone) he was a solo,

     principally acoustic artist, making a name for himself with stunningly
     good guitar work and an outstanding vocal and lyrical ability. Then

     two things happened: He found Fender Telecaster guitars and he found
     Debra Susan.

     Ian McKenzie spoke to both of them on the telephone to find out what

     was happening.

     DS:  Hello there.

     BiTS:  Debra. Hello. Nice to speak to you.

                                                                  BiTS:  Is Ritchie with you?

                                                                  DS:  Yes, he’s here.

                                                                  RDP:  Hi, Ian. Yes, I’m here.

                                                                  BiTS:    Hello,  nice  to  speak  to  you  again,
                                                                  Ritchie. I want to start by talking to Debra
                                                                  because I guess lots of people really know
                                                                  nothing very much about you, Debra. Tell

                                                                  me how did you get into singing in the first

                                                                  DS:  Right, singing. Well, to be honest, I've
                                                                  sung from as far back as I can remember.
                                                                  Even when I was like, really, really young,
                                                                  sort of two and three, I know that's a long
                                                                  time ago, I was always sort of singing. Then
                                                                  I  used  to  sing  at  the  little  local  Primary
                                                                  school. I’ve just always sung. I used to make
                                                                  little bits of things up on the keyboard as
     well because I play the keyboard a little bit. So really, for as long back as I can remember, it's
     just something that came naturally. I was always sort of humming on my way walking to school,
     then walking back from school as a youngster, and I was always humming and singing along in
     the class. Much to the joy of the teachers or dismay, I'm not quite sure which, but there you go.
     So really sort of, as long as I can remember and then as I got older, I started taking it a little bit
     more seriously. It wasn't until I was in my late 30s though, I was living over in Ludlow in
     Shropshire and I got the name of a lady – she’s an ex-professional opera teacher. A lady called
     Margaret Davies. Absolutely marvellous, she was. So I went to her for some vocal coaching and
     then did sort of the traditional exams. So I learned like all the music theatre, a lot of music theatre
     repertoire because I'm quite a big fan of music theatre, and I learned how to sing opera and all
     that sort of thing.
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