Page 10 - BiTS_07_JULY_2024_Neat
P. 10

BiTS:  Well, I'm really not surprised that you learned how to sing opera because I hear a trained
    voice when I hear your voice. Absolutely fabulous.

    DS:  That’s very kind [chuckles].

    BiTS:  When did you start singing rock music, for want of a better expression?

    DS:  Well, yeah, strangely, and then, to be perfectly honest, I can sort of remember the date. I
    joined, again it might not sound particularly rock and roll, but I’d joined a choir in Ludlow as a
    third soprano and I had a job at the time and I decided when I left the job, I had a lot of time on
    my hands. What was I going to do? So I decided to audition for a band. That was the very first
    time, so that was in March 2016. So that's actually how long ago it was.

    BiTS:  That's only a few weeks ago [laughs].
    DS:  Well, I mean, but to be honest, I haven't been doing it that long, if that makes sense, really.

    It seems a while now. So basically, I joined a covers band. I'd never sung in a band before. I had
    no experience of having sung in a band but actually
    turned  up  for  the  rehearsal  and  they  gave  me  a
    couple of tunes to learn. Covers basically. I wasn't
    writing my own stuff at this point. So they gave me
    a couple of covers and I was so inexperienced, I tried
    to sing without a microphone. Luckily, I could be
    heard above the sound of the drums and the bass
    and  the  guitar,  but  obviously,  on  the  second
    audition, I made sure I used a microphone, but such
    was my naivety, I guess, at the time. So I joined that
    band and then I was with them for about nine weeks
    and then I auditioned for a blues band, and I got to
    sing with them. So the guitarist I was working with
    back then he would sort of say, well, I'm going to
    give you some lyrics. I don't want you to listen to
    the original song, just make something up. So I sort
    of learned how to do that, if that makes sense, from

    that point onwards.
    BiTS:  Yes.

    DS:  And then in about, can’t think when it was. It would have been just before lockdown I joined
    a  gothic  rock  band  of  all  things.  So  with  that  sort  of  thing,  the  guitarist  would  give  me  the
    background music, and then I'd make up the vocals and the melody over the top of it. So it all
    went from there.

    BiTS:  When you listen to music, what do you listen to?

    DS:  Right across the board, to be perfectly honest. I mean, I'm not sort of pigeonholed into sort
    of any one area. As I said, I love opera. So I love listening to Pavarotti. I also like Motown. I love
    all the music theatre, all the old films with like Doris Day and all that sort of thing. I like to go to
    the theatre as well. But on top of that, and particularly I think with Ritchie’s influences, I love
    listening to Led Zeppelin. I'm also like a major fan of Aerosmith. I really like their music too, and
    recently, I really like Greta Van Fleet. So really, I sort of listen right across the board to sort of
    everything and I think that might be where Ritchie and I sort of work so well together, because
    our backgrounds are so different.
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