Page 40 - PPO Diaries
P. 40

PPO Diaries

                                                      ❖ A brief overview of the project
                                                      My project involved the digital transformation of the end-to-end
                                                      business  planning  for  the  Polymers  division  of  the
                                                      Petrochemicals  function  in  RIL.  This  involved  devising  a
                                                      comprehensive  business  planning  platform  which  would
                                                      facilitate enhanced visibility of the planning process & provide a
                                                      one-stop  solution  to  all  the  planning  related  needs  for  the
                                                      Polymer division.

                                                      ❖ How is a normal day at the Internship?

                                                      A typical day at the internship involved meeting up with
                                                      relevant stakeholders to gain insights on the business
               G PAVAN KUMAR
                                                      functioning, gauging the needs of different stakeholders in the
                                                      function, utilization of the inputs in charting a solution for the
                         RIL                          micro-tasks in pursuit of the objectives. In addition to this, our

       __________________________________________     team encouraged us to take part in their monthly sporting
                                                      event – which would typically end up with us staying back post
       GENERAL INFORMATION                            office hours to hit the sports arena everyday as an excuse to

       Batch: PGDIM 25

       BTech: SASTRA University

       Stream: Electronics &


       Work Ex: Tata Elxsi Ltd

       ❖ What are the challenges faced during Internship?

       Challenges faced:

       A primary challenge for me was to ascertain the complete problem statement – understanding the scope and

       the deliverables demanded from me. In my case the problem statement was quite open ended with no

       definitive scope – so it was imperative that I meet with the stakeholders and identify the expectations on the
       project before kick-off. The second challenge was to ensure availability of multiple stakeholders at a single
       timeframe – especially since my project demanded it. This was a crucial requirement and required constant
       follow-up with the stakeholders to ensure that we could identify potential pain-points in the existing process.

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