Page 7 - PPO Diaries
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PPO Diaries
❖ What did you do right and what did you do wrong?
It helped to discuss my project with the other interns as they gave a different perspective to the problems I was
facing. I was persistent when it came to be asking for data from the SCM team. As the raw data you get is hardly
usable, you need to spend a lot of time cleaning it and bringing it in the form you need. So, the faster you
recognize which data you need and collect it, the better. I interacted with every member of the SCM team,
which helped me better understand the business implications of my project, which I was able to convey in the
final presentation.
The first time we were briefed about our project in the second week, I did not understand the objectives of the
project and I did not ask it then and there. I worked for a whole week on something that was not needed for
the project, which I later realised in our next meeting.
❖ What are the things to keep in mind in the internship?
Understand the objectives and scope of the project, very early on. It may happen that both haven’t been
properly defined and would then be fixed after discussions with the mentors. But it is your job to get them
Interact with as many people in the office as possible. Even people from different departments. Feel no shame
in asking any doubt coming to your mind. Talk to the interns from other colleges, it may happen that you share
some similarities between your projects.
Try to implement your solutions in software that is already in use in the office. Welspun used MS Excel for all
its work, so it made no sense to use a software like Python, R, Tableau which they won’t be able to replicate in
day to day working.
❖ What pre-internship preparation do you suggest for juniors?
Read up on the industry and company you are about to intern in. Have a basic understanding of the
manufacturing process of the product your company makes. Talk with seniors who have interned in your
companies about the kind of projects and software used in the company. It is imperative to know basics of Excel,
VBA and macros.
❖ Anything else you would like to add
Irrespective of whether you want a PPO from the place you are interning at, give your best efforts, as this project
will be discussed extensively in your Final placements.
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