Page 9 - Summary 6 2025
P. 9

Delta Modern Language Schools
     Science department
     Grade 6
     1st term 2024- 2025

        Cellular respiration:
  It is the process that takes place inside the mitochondria, where oxygen is used to
  obtain the chemical energy stored in food to help the cells make their function.

    • Endoplasmic reticulum:

  -It is one of the organelles of the cell.
  - It helps in collecting and transporting proteins inside the cell to build and repair
  the cell.

    • Golgi apparatus:

  -It is one of the organelles of the cell.
  -It helps in packing and transporting different materials

         Between the cells.
         Out the cell.

Some parts that found in plant cell only and characterized it:

 • Cell wall:
 -It is made up of cellulose.

 -It is a hard external material that
  surrounded the cell membrane of
 plant cell.

 -Give the plant cell a definite shape.

                                                                   Plant Cell diagram

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