Page 13 - Summary 6 2025
P. 13

Delta Modern Language Schools  Unit (1) concept (2)
Science department
Grade 6
1st term 2024- 2025

Observe the opposite picture, you notice that:

   ✓ the runners were nervous (or stressed) , So he
      feels nervous

   1. The heartbeats increase
   2. The body starts to sweat

      In your body, all systems work together as one
      whole body system.

                How does your body function as a system?


The interaction between                                                   when you feel nervous, your
the nervous system and                                                        heartbeats increase.
 the circulatory system

The interaction between        where the digestive system provides the
the digestive system and       skeletal system with nutrients needed for

   the skeletal system                 growth and fracture healing

How do your body systems interact in dangerous situation?


❶ The eyes of the cyclist see a dangerous

❷ The brain receives the information
from the eyes.

❸Then, the brain sends a signal to the
muscles that contract and allow his
body to face the danger

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