Page 18 - Summary 6 2025
P. 18

Delta Modern Language Schools    Types of muscle
Science department
Grade 6
1st term 2024- 2025

   Involuntary                                              Voluntary
Theymaruescmleusscles that move                              muscles
                                     They are muscles that you can
automatically and you cannot
                                     control their movement
control their movement.

                       Examples of involuntary muscle

❶-Cardiac muscle

-The heart is made of a type of involuntary

muscles known as cardiac muscle.

-Cardiac muscle contracts and relaxes
without stopping to allow the heart pumps the
blood carrying oxygen to all the body cells.

❷Eye muscles

-Your eyes contain a type of involuntary muscles that contract when
you close your eyelid to allow you blink many times in one minute
without thinking.
►Your eyes also contain voluntary muscles
that surround the eyeball to help you move your
eyes in different directions.

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