P. 13



               Our institution’s core values are an embodiment of one of the greatest spiritual
               leaders, Swami Vivekananda’s teachings after whom the institution is named. The
               enterprising and visionary founders started this institution to ensure that children
               get exposure to wide range of cultures and activities which will broaden their mind
               and expand their horizons.


               We believe that in the present scenario of globalization, it is the duty of the school to
               develop the passion during the formative years which in future will promote
               international peace and understanding. Armed with technology the students
               become a lifelong learner and a globally competent citizen who is equipped to
               contribute both at local and global scale.


                          o  To take pride in their own cultural heritage and to respect the cultures
                              of different nations

                          o  To expose the child to literature, dance, art and culture of different
                              parts of the world so that they can appreciate the diversity that exists
                              around the world
                          o  To sensitize the children on a wide range of issues - from protection of
                              the environment to effects of war

                          o  To develop the child to evolve into an open-minded and tolerant
                              human being

                          o  To develop confidence in their talents, abilities and skills and to bring
                              in the realization that with these they will be able to overcome any
                              difficulties no matter where they are placed in life
                          o  To be more compassionate towards nature and all living beings

                          o  To enable students to be proactive, globally competent and responsible

                          o  To create awareness among the students of the growing
                              interconnectivity of the world and of the necessity of his/her ability to
                              function within it
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