P. 14
To help students develop a conceptual framework and use
it to analyse and compare political, economic, historical,
environmental, scientific and technological development
To encourage them to read a varied range of literature and
classics and understand the cultural differences,
uniqueness and common features such as human emotions
To establish links with schools from other parts of the world
To create opportunities for learning which includes an
international dimension to all subjects
To promote noble thoughts and actions through celebration
of International days
To engage children in creative expressions such as writing
poems and scripts, drawing, dance, crafts etc
To initiate a process of sharing and inculcate tolerance
through activities such as discussions and debates
To ensure that teachers work in coordination beyond the
confines of the subjects and textbooks
To develop students into a globally competent citizens
To expose students to a wide range of art and culture so as
to develop mutual love and respect
To foster brotherhood and mutual understanding