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                “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination
               and hard work.” Colin Powell

               Vivek Education Society (VES) was formed in 1961. The founding members of
               VES  conceived  a  noble  idea  of  establishing  a  school  for  imparting  quality
               education. The passion driven members surmounted all odds, paucity of funds
               being one of them and laid the foundation of Vivek Vidyalya School in 1962. The
               proverb ‘Mighty oaks from little acorns grow’ holds true for VES. The evolution
               of the school from a Secondary School to a full-fledged College is testimony to
               it. Today Vivek Vidyalaya High School and College stands tall as an educational

               institutional par excellence. The institution continues to be driven by the original
               spirit instilled and inspired by the pioneers who shaped it during its formative

                Over the years, our institution has crossed many mile stones and secured many
               honours. British Council’s International School Award is one of them. The motto

               of the institution is ‘Education is supreme among all the riches and virtues of
               life.’ We cater to the educational needs of children from all strata of society. All
               our members, staff and students are proud to be associated with our institution.
               Vivians, as the students proudly call themselves, have been consistently bringing
               laurels to this institution.

               We  are  solely  motivated  by  the  thoughts  of  Swami  Vivekananda,  one  of  the

               greatest spiritual leaders of India after whom our institution is named. He rightly
               said, “Character is the foundation of self-development. It is the patient building
               of character, the intense struggle to realize the truth which alone will tell in the
               future  of  humanity.”  VES  strives  to  promote  noble  thoughts  and  actions  in
               students and empower them to successfully live in and work for culturally diverse

               global society.
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