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                It is a matter of pride and great honour to be the Principal of Vivek Vidyalaya
               and Junior College, an institution par excellence. Excellence is not simply an
               objective  but  a  fulfilling  journey.  Every  member  of  this  institution  earnestly

               strives  to  enable  our  students  to  grow  and  blossom  into  responsible,  global
               citizens. We foster a positive spirit and believe in partnership between students,
               parents, teaching and non-teaching staff striving to create a milieu that sustains

                In the present era of digital world, it the biggest challenge before teachers and
               parents  to  nurture  the  young  minds  with  the  indelible  impressions  of  holistic

               education.  We  are  committed  to  the  philosophy  that  each  member  of  this
               institution  must  have  the  opportunity  for  reaching  his/her  full  potential  for
               becoming a successful part of a demanding, changing society.

                I  am  extremely  proud  that  Vivek  Vidyalaya  has  been  conferred  on  British
               Council’s International School Award in 2015. ISA accreditation gave our school
               a new identity. It was a milestone in the school’s journey towards excellence.  We

               are  hopeful to receive  ISA  accreditation again this  year. I  extend  my  sincere
               thanks to the Management for their visionary support, teaching and non-teaching
               staff,  parents  and  students  for  lending  their  kind  cooperation  and  working  in
               unison towards attainment of our goal.

               ISA activities encouraged our budding talents by giving our students full creative
               freedom  and  ignited  the  spark  of  curiosity  and  creativity  in  them.  Thanks  to

               British  Council,  our  students  explored  new  opportunities  in  international
               learning. I am confident our students will grow up to be ideal global citizens and
               assume  active  roles  and  resolve  global  challenges  and  contribute  towards  a
               secure, peaceful world.

               Dr. Suresh Nair

               Vivek Vidyalaya & Junior College
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