P. 4

Message from the President

               “Those who educate children well are more to be honoured than they who produce

               them; for those only gave them life; these the art of living well.” Aristotle

               Vivek  Education  Society  (VES),  an  educational  trust  that  runs  the  Vivek
               Vidyalaya and Vivek College firmly believes that education must relate to the

               life, needs and aspirations of the students and serve as a powerful instrument of
               social, economic and cultural transformation. We strive to enrich the character of
               our students and believe in giving them roots and wings. Roots to keep them
               grounded and wings to help them soar high and go far and wide.

                We are proud to have dedicated, value-led, competent teachers. They rigorously
               focus on the academics and other aspects of the students’ education and highly

               motivate the students to excel in all areas of endeavour.We all know that the
               world is changing fast.  We treasure dynamism and deem that one should be well
               prepared to adapt to the global scenario. So we empower our students to face the
               challenges of the fast changing world.

               Vivek Vidyalaya has been the recipient of British Council’s International Award

               in  2015.  We  are  proud  to  be  associated  with  British  Council  as  it  gives  our
               students ample opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to understand
               and participate in the globally connected world. We believe in empowering our
               students to grow as individuals with moral character, integrity and strong open
               discerning minds with an international perspective and thus lay a solid foundation
               for  long-term  environmentally  conscious  global  citizens  with  humanitarian


               S. Sriram
               Vivek Education Society
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