P. 28

page 28 of 62 pages

       POLITEKNIK MERSING                                              INVENTORS:
                                                                        ARIFFUDDIN BIN HUSOF
       PRODUCT ID :  ICrIPE23-MP-63                                     NUR SHAHRUL ATIKAH BINTI ISHAK
                                                                        WAN NOOR AIZA BINTI WAN AZZAM
       PRODUCT NAME : SWIFT SEEK                                                                            SWIFT SEEK
                               E-DICTIONARY FOR SHORTHAND AND TRENGKAS

       BACKGROUND                                              PROBLEM STATEMENT

          The "SWIFT SEEK" E-Dictionary is an electronic resource that lists   Shorthand and  Trengkas  are challenging for beginners.
            the outlines of sounds, words, short forms, or phrases and
                                                                 It takes some time to use the physical dictionary
           gives their brief description. This E-Dictionary was designed
          and created for lecturers to teach and students that learn the   Choosing the words or the outline incorrectly for the topic.
          subject of Shorthand and Trengkas at Polytechnic. It is to help
                                                                 The increasing use of paper for a physical dictionary.
          the user to find the right outlines of Shorthand and  Trengkas
                  of sounds, words, short forms, or phrases.
                                                               INNOVATION HIGHLIGHT
                                                                 Specially designed and created to make it easier to learn the
                                                                 skill of writing rapidly.
         To ease the understanding  of the  outlines of Shorthand  and
          Trengkas .
                                                                 The simplicity interface and design make it user-friendly to all.
         To easily find the correct outlines
                                                                 Swift Seek can easily be shared with any user via WhatsApp,
                                                                 telegram, email, etc
         To  assist  lecturers  in  easily  finding  outlines  that  can  be  used  to
         construct the practice, test, or quiz.
                                                               COMMERCIAL VALUES
         To implement the sustainable development goals in daily life.
                                                                 There are a few E-dictionaries for shorthand on the
       DESIGN SOLUTION                                           web, but none for  7rengkas .
                                                                 Swift Seek was created in accordance with the Polytechnic
                                                                 Malaysia syllabus.

                                                                 Swift Seek can be used in six polytechnics that offer the
                                                                 program of Diploma in Secretarial Science nationwide,

             Compile all words,        Create an outline       PICTURE AND DIAGRAMS
                short forms              of shorthand
               and phrases              and “Trengkas”

             Create an interface         Compile all
                using the               the database
              function of VBA   SWIFT SEEK
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