P. 31

page 31 of 62 pages

       Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Sukma                            INVENTORS :
                                                                      RUBIAH AL AUDIAH / CHAIRMAN
                                                                      PRASTIKA / MEMBER
                                                                      KHAIRUNNISA / MEMBER
       PRODUCT ID : ICrIPE21-AM1202                                   NADIYA UTAMI / MEMBER
       PRODUCT NAME :                                                 NURHAYATI, SE., MM / MENTOR

    Utilization of used goods is a business or human activity to
    transform objects or items that are no longer used to be made
    into new items that have a higher value. We make use of
    banners that are no longer used to become items that are     PROBLEM STATEMENT :
    more useful and useful for housewives, these used banners
    will become unique aprons with various motifs that give a    The problem that arises and becomes an obstacle in this
    more modern impression. This innovative product is named     product is that it is still not well known by the wider of
    CERNIK (Unique Banner Apron).
                                                                 community and there are many products of aprons made
                                                                 various basic materials that have already been aprons
                                                                 circulating in the community and the introduction of
                                                                 made of banners is considered to be very new.

     1. Develop used banner innovation products.                  INNOVATION HIGHLIGHT :
     2. Making the best quality aprons that are comfortable and
       safe to protect the body.                                  This innovation of used banners can be used to
     3. Being a product that has economic value and with this     make aprons with the best protection, unlike
       innovation can reduce waste or waste in society.           cloth aprons which are usually used for cooking
                                                                  or other activities.


    The product we make is the Unique Banner Apron  (CERNIK).      COMMERCIAL VALUE :

    This is a business that is still being developed and circulated in  1. This  product  has  promising  prospects  because

    the market, so this product has promising prospects where        thisbusiness is still slightly developed and circulated
    the protective power of aprons circulating in the general       in the market.
    public is not as good as the banner material of the aprons     2. This  CERNIK  (Unique  Banner  Apron)  is  sold  at
    used from cloth. Therefore, the business opportunity for         IDR 35,000/unit.
    CERNIK products.

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