P. 35

                                                                                                     page 35 of 62 pages
                                                                    AND MEDIA, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA
                     I-STOCK FINDER   (UiTM) SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR.
                                                                     TS. MUDIANA BINTI MOKHSIN @ MISRON
                                 BATA STORE
                        For     BATA STORE                           SITI NURFAZLIAH BINTI JUMALI
                                                                     NUR NISA ZARIFAH BINTI NORHIZAM
                                                                     NUR AQILAH BINTI SUPNI
                       PRODUCT ID: ICRIPE23-MP-15                    NURUL INANI IZZATI BINTI ANUAR

           PRODUCT BACKGROUND                                                         METHOD

          This  new  creative  application  will  help          Identification  It  is  intended  for  staff  to  enter
                                                                             data stocks into the BATA Store.
          staff  do  their  tasks  by  managing                              An application is created since it
          customers  to  ensure  the  desired  item
          is in stock for purchase when they ask                             is more convenient to access via
          the staff to check and find it efficiently            Design       mobile  phone  only.  We  design  a
          and effectively.                                                   prototype  that  uses  WiFi  to  link
                                                                             to a cloud database to record all
                                                                             shoe stock data so that workers
              PROBLEM STATEMENT                                 Development  can  enter  and  search  the  stock
          This is owing to the system's weakness;                            promptly.     A  to  prototype  staff's
          manually checking each item consumes                               capabilities  and  allows  direct
          a  lot  of  energy.  If  there  is  something         Prototyping  connection  with  the  customer
          high, you must also go up and down the                             concerning supply availability.
          stairs, making it difficult to discover the
          stock  because  there  are  so  many
          shelves and the stock is not organised
          by  category;  occasionally  the  stock  is             INNOVATION HIGHLIGHT
          placed at their will.
                                                            The innovation of this application is used to ease
                                                            the BATA's staff by searching the shoes stocks.
                       OBJECTIVE                            Basically,  our  application  of  innovation  consists
                                                            of barcode scanner, search engine and category
              To satisfy customers by saving time           divider.  Moreover,  this  application  only  can
              in obtaining the necessary item.              access by BATA's staff only.
              Enhance productivity and efficiency.
              To improve better brand reputation.
                                                                                 PROJECT DESIGN

              COPYRIGHT                 COMMERCIAL VALUE

            APPLICATION                    BATA's employees. This idea
                                            - Our intended audience is
                                         was created solely to make life
                                           easier for Bata's employees.
                                         - Enables employees to service
                                          customers one by one without
                                         having to wait, which increases
                                              customer satisfaction.


                                          We  expect  that  this  product
                                          will make it easier for BATA's
                                          retail employees, particularly,
                                          and  will  provide  numerous
                                          benefits to the staff in terms
                                          of stock discovery.
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