P. 38

page 38 of 62 pages


          ID PRODUCT:  ICRIPE23-MP-16                                   TS. MUDIANA BINTI MOKHSIN @ MISRON
          PRODUCT NAME: HEALTH SELF-                                    IMAN NUR NADIA BINTI AB MALEK
                                                                        NURUL LIYANA AQILAH BINTI MOHD ZAMRI
          SERVICE KIOSK                                                 SAIDATUL BATRISYIA BINTI SHARIFFUDIN
                                                                        SHARIFAH AMALIYA  FARHANA BINTI SYED KHANAFIAH
           INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND                                                OBJECTIVES

    Health kiosks are public computers that offer healthcare information, clinical data  To provide patients information or services without human interaction.
    collection, patient self-check-in, telemonitoring, and teleconsultation. Self-service
    kiosks provide info and services without human interaction. Our kiosks provide  Cost-saving and efficiency.
    services such as:                                           To  improve  accessibility,  save  staff  and  patients  time,  and  eliminate
                                                                health-care deficiencies.
     1.  Registration - patients can register on their own.
     2.  Consultations - patients can ask the machine for free consultations.  Better chronic illness self-management.
     3.  Billing & payment - patients can make payments easily by using a card or cash  To prevent prescription discrepancies-related pharmaceutical mistakes.
     4.  Departments  - patients can search for all departments inside the hospital  To detect new chronic disorders.
     5.  Hospital directory  - patients can search places such as toilets, cafes and etc.

                 PROBLEM STATEMENT                                  METHODOLOGY - PROTOTYPING

      Due to several medical processes, patients had little option but to
      wait under the old system. The hospital registration desk will be
      crowded and lengthy. Patients exceed the number of clerks.
      Patients will be annoyed by the unknown wait time.

      The  staff  manually  enters  patient  information,  doctor  availability,
      and  doctor-prescribed  testing.  No  patient  information  search
      method exists either. This method makes it difficult to handle the
      hospital's finances and doctor data.

                          HEALTH                             SELF-SERVICE



      This  research  will  help  society,  particularly  hospital  personnel  and
      patients who love the system. Science and technology depend on the
      health self-service kiosk. This product's increased demand necessitates
      better,  life-changing  methods.  Thus,  hospitals  that  follow  this  study's
      advice  will  simplify  management.  Hospital  administrators  will  be
      advised  by  health  informatics  on  how  to  utilise  the  kiosk  to  maintain
      and  improve  healthcare  employees'  performance.  The  study  will  help
      academics  discover  crucial  healthcare  sector  processes  that  others
      have missed. Thus, this health care kiosk may have a novel hypothesis.

                     CONCLUSION                                                                     PROTOTYPE

      In a nutshell, this kiosk is innovative for the future and can be used to
      improved  patient  safety  and  reduce  medication  mistakes  caused  by
      drug  prescription  discrepancies.  It  can  also  indicate  and  screening  of
      new chronic diseases more effectively. The usefulness and advantages
      of  these  services  have  been  shown  in  several  studies,  and  they  may
      offer preventative, counselling, and educational services, demographic
      factors, and patient health history.
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