P. 60

ELC590 Activity 7: Mock Pitching –
 Setup your gaming with Logitech G
                                                                                                     page 60 of 62 pages

        Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah.                         INVENTORS:
                                                                    NORFADZILLAH BINTI ISMAIL
        SMK Taman Hi-Tech, Kulim, Kedah.                            MUHAMMAD HAZIQ WAJIHUDDIN BIN SHAHIZAN

        PRODUCT ID : ICrIPE23-MP-70                                 MUHAMMAD HAFIY WAJDI BIN SHAHIZAN

     BACKGROUND :                                             PROBLEM STATEMENT :

     This innovative product is named LIGHTPOST. This         The results of the study found that many home areas,
     product is the result of the combined function of street   especially in villages or rural areas, do not have street
     lights using solar and a mixture of distilled water. This   lights in their home areas. The condition of the dark area
     product also uses discarded materials as the base of the   of the house can invite the risk of theft and breaking into
     lamp. mixture of distilled water as a medium to diffract   the house. The installation of street lights involves costs
     light..                                                  that have to be borne by the landlord, it will be
                                                              burdensome especially in rural areas.


     I.  Develop street lighting innovation products.

     II. Reusing waste materials.                             INNOVATION HIGHLIGHTS:

                                                              This innovation is to commercialize street lighting
                                                              products using renewable energy.

     SUMMARY :

     The innovative product that is produced is a product     COMMERCIAL VALUES:
     that can get a favorable response from residents,
     especially in rural areas, because it saves electricity   I.  This product will be used as a product to help
     costs and it is produced using materials that are easily     residents in dark environments at night.
     obtained in the surrounding area.                        II. Low maintenance.

                                                              III. Cheap and affordable

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