P. 56

ELC590 Activity 7: Mock Pitching –
  Setup your gaming with Logitech G
                                                                                                     page 56 of 62 pages

         POLITEKNIK SULTAN SALAHUDDIN                                 INVENTORS:
         ABDUL AZIZ SHAH                                              HASNI BINTI HASHIM

                                                                      MAZWINA HANIM BINTI ABU BAKAR
         PRODUCT ID : ICrIPE23-MP-64

      BACKGROUND:                                             PROBLEM STATEMENT:

      The main purpose of the JPG2U innovation/ application   However, as a result of this source of access is from
                                                              various sources, access is somewhat confused and
      project was to design and develop a one stop center     becomes a constraint for students and lecturers to get
      platform in an effort to facilitate access to the portal that  access in a quick and accurate time frame. Therefore, the
      can help the management, teaching and learning process  JPG2U platform was developed to be the main source of
      among lecturers and students at the Department of       access and portal. This JPG2U portal is also easy to reach
      Commerce, Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah             either through the use of a personal computer, tablet or
      Polytechnic.                                            mobile phone that has an internet connection. This
      Nowadays, management, teaching and learning processes   innovation project was created in an effort to meet the
      are not only done manually, but also can be reached     needs of lecturers and students at the Commerce
      through access and portals based on the use of          Department, Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
      technology. These portals are used not only to facilitate  Polytechnic towards the Industry 4.0 revolution. Through
      reference purposes, but also for the purpose of         the use of the JPG2U platform, not only can help lecturers
      management process, storage and processing of data,     and students save time, but also save energy and get
      information and even the process of managing lecture    information through reliable access through a user-friendly
      classes can also be done online.                        platform.
      There are links and portals, and even application been
      used for the management of lecturers including HRMIS,   INNOVATION HIGHLIGHT:
      esis, e-profiling and others. Students and lecturers also
      use access to CIDOS, SPMP and use MS teams to facilitate
      online class interactions.                              i. Reduce costs.
                                                              ii. Time Saving
                                                              iii. Increased efficiency
      OBJECTIVES:                                             iv. User satisfaction enhancement

      1. Develop and design a platform/ application that can help
        students and lecturers to refer, process information and   CONCLUSION :
        also conduct lectures online.
                                                              JPG2U platform/ application is a one stop center that
      2. Save time because this platform/application can be used   provides facilities for lecturers and students who have
        continuously because it can be updated and improved   personal computers, tablets and mobile  phones with
        from time to time easily and quickly.                 internet services to access references, information and also
                                                              applications thatneed to be used while at the polytechnic in
      3. Provides a platform that lists all links and reliable   order to facilitate the teaching, learning and also
        portals.                                              management process. This JPG2U application can save
                                                              times, can be updated from time to time, and of course
                                                              reliable application.

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