P. 53

page 53 of 62 pages

  Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM) , (SV: Ts Mudiana Mokhsin@Misron)                             Product ID:ICrIPE23-MP-26
  College of Computing, Informatics and Media, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor.          Product Name : CLOTHCYCLE APPLICATION

                                   Product ID :
                                   The  Cloth  Cycle  offers  its
                                   online  users  a  dual  function  of
                                   the   application.   The   main
                                   function  is  to  allow  the  users
                                   to donate used clothes for the
                                   needy  in  Malaysia.  It  is  also
                                   simple  and  practical  for  the    Commercial &
                                   users  to  sell  their  preloved     Non-commercial Significance :
                                   clothes at the cheaper price.          The application allows a functional flexibility for
                                                                          the users to be donators or sellers at anytime.
      Problem Statment :                OBJECTIVES :                      They  can  switch  from  non-commercial  to

       It  is  difficult  for  people  to  To  provide  a  database       commercial  intentions  to  generate  extra
       donate clothes these days.       application         with          income from their used clothes.
       If  they  decide  to  sell  their
       preloved  clothes,  there  is    information    of    the
       no single mobile application     donation points.
       which  can  help  them  do       To be an online shopping           HIGHLIGTHS :
       that.                            mall  help  for  the  users        Users account as donators or sellers.
       Therefore,  a  dual  function    to    generate     extra           Donation and purchase status.
       application  needs  to  be       income  by  selling  their         Donation records and sales statistics.
       develop  to  cater  to  these    preloved items.                     Information database.
       two purposes.

         METHODOLOGY:                                                       Copywrite
                                                                           Application            Contibutors
                                                                                                TS        MUDIANA
                                                                                                MOKHSIN           @
                                                                                                MISRON (Supervisor)
                                                                                                MUHAMMAD       AIDIL
                                                                                                AIMAN BIN RAMLI
                                                                                                WAZIEN BIN RAMLI
                                                                                                SYAHMIR      MOHD

             CONCLUSION                                                        PROTOTYPE
   As a summary, this application
   assists       those      in    need       in
   ensuring  they  have  enough

   clothing  for  daily  use.  In  order
   for  the  system  to  function
   effectively, we also require the
   community's  assistance  in  the                                       Contact Us :
   form of donations of their old                                          +123-456                THEIR HEALING

   or preloved clothing.                                                BEGINS WITH
                                                      Scan for instant    YOUR DONATION.
                                                        donation !
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