P. 48

Smart Shopaholic                                                                               page 48 of 62 pages

      Fashion with Hyper-personalization

      Experience your personalized in-shop purchase!

     College of Computing, Informatics and Media,   Inventor : Mudiana Binti Mokhsin @ Misron
     Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam     Product ID: ICrIPE23-MP-14
        Nur Ain Nadhirah binti Zawayi
        Faten Alya binti Shamsul Baharin                  Problem Statement
        Nur Afiqah Najwa binti Hasnol Yazit
        Nur Batrisya Miza binti Nor Azam
                                                          The problem that is common around
                                                          people nowadays is the problem when
       Product                                            it comes to finding the outfit which they want to wear for the
       Background                                         day and for some specific event.

                                                          There also a kind of problem when the shop does not provide a fitting
       Smart  Shopaholic  is  a  cutting-edge
       application  that  provides  users  with           room and people choose to take the one that looks good on display
       assistance  in  selecting  the  ideal  personal    but when trying on themselves at home after bought, the item is far
       stylist  for  them.  In  this  apps  we  use  a    from what they expected on their body
       modern  IT  such  as  Augmented  Reality
       (AR)  and  hyper-personalization.  It  will        Objectives
       assist  the  user  in  making  thoughtful
       clothing  selections  and  putting  together        To personalize outfits for users according to their interest.
       attractive  outfits  for  everyday  usage.          To build an app that could recommend up-to-date fashion trends
       These  applications  are  for  personal  style,     for different occasions.
       virtual  closets,  and  shopping,  and  they        To ease users for not having to try on the clothes to have better
       help users save time and money while also           impression on how the outfits look on them.
       reducing their impact on the environment.           To save up users' time by using fast payment at payment counter.
       This  indicates  that  users  will  make
       advantage  of  digital  technology  and  the               Method                        Significant
       power of fashion to better serve users.
                                                         IDENTIFICATION        DESIGN           IT and shopping are
                                                         To assist users with  We innovate an  inseparable and should
                                                          their shopping -  application that   be utilized at its utmost
                                                         from choosing the   could enhance     usage by every fashion
     Copyright Form                                      fitting on the outfits   users’ shopping  retailer companies to
                                                           right materials,
                                                          to the payment   Smart Shopaholic is   improve customer’s
                                                          process, all is set  convenient and   purchasing experience.
                                                              with         designed to meet
                                                         Smart Shopaholic.  users’ expectations.  Smart Shopaholic is a
                                                                                               brand-new innovation,
                                                          DEVELOPMENT       PROTOTYPING          acts as a personal
                                                          Embedded with       Prototype is      shopping partner to
                                                            advanced IT    designed to match    assist customers. It is
                                                            artefacts –    users’ ability where
                                                         Augmented Reality  they can use this   believed to maximize
                                                             (AR) and      apps effectively and  user’s experience and
                                                         Artificial Intelligence  efficiently even  help them doing their
                                                           (AI) as well as   without further    shopping effectively
                                                          protected data in  explanation and
                                                          cloud database.     assistance.         and efficiently.


         Smart  Shopaholic  is  a  latest  technology  innovation  invented  to  be  the  best  shopping  partner  you  wish  to  have.  The
         existing features in the application are user friendly making it easier for all community to use. It benefits various groups in
         a society such as celebrities, influencers, fashion designers, fashion manufacturers, fashion contractors, and an individual
         itself. Smart Shopaholic will also be a huge opportunity for modelling indsutry, fashion indsutry, retail software industry,
         entertainment indsutry and finance industry.
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