P. 46

page 46 of 62 pages

                                                                    UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UITM) SHAH ALAM
        BACKGROUND                                                  PRODUCT NAME: UITM RUNNER APP (ICrIPE23-MP-09)
        UiTM  Runner  App  is  an  app  which  aims  to         DR. MUDIANA BINTI MOKHSIN @ MISRON
        create  an  opportunity  for  students  that  are       MUHAMMAD DANIEL AIMAN BIN MOHD ROZLI (2022875796)
       interested  in  part  time  jobs  but  don't  have       NURSYAMIMI BINTI WANDY YAZID (2022699924)
       the  chance  due  to  some  reasons  such  as            ALLYSHA BINTI ZULL HIZAM (2022800668)
        inaccessible vehicles.                                  NUR SHARNIZA BINTI ROSLAN (2022855414)

        The  runners  will  be  distributed  based  on
        where  the  students  reside.    The  application
        plays  a  huge  role  to  help  students  in  need  of  PROBLEM STATEMENT
       a part time job or services provided.
                                                        This  app  is  an  innovation  to  help  students  that  do  not
                                                        have any transportation like a car or motorcycle as well as
                                                        reducing the usage of automobiles.
                                                        Transportation  is  one  of  the  most  vital  and  understated
          1.  A  medium  for  students  to  carry  out  issue  faced  by  the  students  from  University  Technology
          important  daily  tasks  such  as  buying     Mara  (UiTM).  Students  who  are  staying  in  college  are
          food  at  the  cafe  and  picking  up         facing  such  an  issue  whenever  transportation  are  needed
          packages at the reception location.           for daily life purposes such as going to class, buying foods
                                                        at the cafe and picking up parcels.
         2.  Giving  special  focus  to  students  who
         need  extra  pocket  money  to  cover  study
         fees and their own expenses as students.
                                                         INNOVATION HIGHLIGHT

                                                         This project innovation is to facilitate student affairs
                                                         while  also  assisting  students  who  want  to  challenge
                                                         themselves   to   earn   or   increase   their   weekly
                                                         allowance  by  using  this  application  to  run  a  delivery
       The  application  we  created  will  provide
       numerous  benefits,  particularly  to  students,
       the  food  industry,  and  the  logistics  industry.  COMMERCIAL VALUE
       This   product   can   be   accepted   in   the
       technology  industry  because  it  can  make
                                                           Food buying service.
       things  easier  just  by  using  your  fingertips.  It
       can   also   be   an   inspiration   for   other    Parcel collection service.
       universities  to  develop  food  and  parcel        Efficient in time management of students.
                                                           Service charges based on the item quantity.
       delivery  applications  in  the  future  based  on
       their target audience.                              Payment System for online (QR Transfer, Bank
                                                           Transfer) and offline (Cash on Delivery).

                                          COPYRIGHT FORM

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          UiTM Runner
                      UiTM student ID
             App      2022123456
                      Please enter Password
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