Page 5 - Promo-Logue
P. 5


                    My nightmare in  America began with my great-
               grandfather my great-grandmother and their son, my
               Grandpa Bladelock.

                    My great grandfather was  born in 1845 on a slave
               breeding plantation somewhere in the state of Virginia.

                    Most of the plantations in  Virginia had a slave
               breeding farm.

                    The sole purpose of a  breeding farm was to create new

               slaves to sell on the slave market.

                    Family stories passed down to me, tell  of my great-
               granddaddy being one of the most prized mother fuckers of
               the breeding farm.

                    The biggest, strongest black males were forced to
               impregnate every fertile female on that plantation.

                    It is said, at the age of fifteen, my great grandaddy was
               six feet seven inches tall, and he had the physical strength

               of three men.

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