P. 12

Sympathetic Pressure
           (or the aesthetics of the machine as a dysfunctional praise and existential paradox)

           by Irene Sofia Comi

           Our times seem being defined by what is measurable and   Even before hanging in the limbo between work of art and
           shareable. A few days ago Galileo, a satellite navigation   activation device, between art and science, or anthropolo-
           system that by no coincidence is named after the father of   gy and medicine, Self-Indicator of Sympathetic Pressure,
           modern science, succeeded in setting a record of a billion   the main sculpture around which the exhibition gravitates,
           smartphone users. For a few years already it’s been red   is an investigative work that takes place on a fine border-
           alert on the high risk of exposing our kids to IT devices at   line. Commenting on our times, in his book I miti del no-
           a premature age - sometimes even before they learn how   stro tempo (The Myths of Our Time) Umberto Galimberti
           to talk - as leading to a number of consequences such as   states “while technology is only focused on development,
           neglecting their engagement in social activities.   which we mistake for progress when development is only
           Recently in 2019, Sergey Young has more than once an-  the enhancement of a dimension”, progress, on the other
           nounced his plan to live to be 200. To anyone sharing his   hand, “is a population that betters”. Yet at times the wor-
           same goal, the founder of Longevity Vision Fund, apart   ld of technology still deploys methods of knowledge that
           from recommending pharmacological treatments, promi-  rely on intangible attitudes of emotional nature, sign of a
           ses he will design devices to allow people to practice exer-  dormant but still existing empathy. In disguise, whether
           cises without moving their body. Where medicine fails,   we like it or not, we are still in Anaximander’s apeiron, an
           technology  thrives. And while this preamble  may seem   unoriginated and unlimited principle.
           dystopian, there’s still a glimmer of hope. 2012 saw the
           draft of the World Happiness Report and the first celebra-  Self-Indicator, a biometric system that measures mental
           tion of the UN International Day of Happiness. Thanks to   and behavioral states, seems to tell us so. Similarly to a
           an agreement between the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts   medical device designed to treat pathologies, thanks to a
           and the association Médecins francophones du Canada,   biometric system the sculpture re-elaborates the heartbea-
           for the first time in history doctors were allowed to pre-  ts of its “patient-users”, measuring their level of empathy.
           scribe their patients visits to museums because art is good   By comparing the heartbeats of two users, the device is
           for our health. “Happiness indicators are now being used   able to quantify their level of “harmony” while engaged
           by an increasing number of governments in their politi-  in a relationship with each other and shape it as a breath, a
           cal decision-making,” says Jeffrey Sachs, and from Pope   pneuma that constitutes the entire world, including nature
           Bergoglio’s advisor to Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa is   as well as mankind up to its most intimate part, the psyche
           a short step. Alexa lives and breathes algorithms: fed by   (from psyko “to blow”). It operates in a cosmos, “an in-
           human minds, it is the result of a constant interpretative   dividual,  animated  reality  in eternal  movement  embra-
           effort made by real people. The coexistence of humans   cing all beings” (Larre, Berera, Filosofia della medicina
           and machines does indeed look possible. It would almost   tradizionale cinese).
           seem Artificial Intelligence had won against our most dre-
           adful forecast for the future of mankind -  just like what   Looking  at  the  device,  we  find  ourselves  in  front  of  a
           was  already  predicted  by Artificial  Intelligence,  an  an-  short-circuiting mechanical process: it is a tool designed
           drogenic  boy-robot programmed to love, protagonist  of     and programmed to measure something that, refractory to
           Spielberg’s homonym film - Artificial Intelligence, 2001,   numerical factors, is not measurable. Because of that, the
           from a project by Stanley Kubrick.                  numerical data, if not for the mechanical activation of the
                                                               process, loses its importance. It is here that the transfor-
           These thoughts may seem to have nothing to do with Mat-  mation of the object takes place: the sculpture is systema-
           teo Vettorello’s Sympathetic Pressure.              tic, what only matters is the transformation that is taking
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