P. 3


                 case, it could have arisen much earlier,           In Appendix C, you can find all the haiku
                 were one not always afraid of simple in-           that have been transliterated and tran-
                 tuitions: once an “oriental” ideogramma-           slated so far.
                 tic structure had been created, the Issuer
                 opted for the creation of short senten-            Deciphering this series of haiku has
                 ces, recalling, in a free but obvious way,         allowed to establish well-founded
                 the structure of  Japanese haiku.  This            hypotheses about the nature of the Is-
                 hypothesis was supported by the recur-             suer. Opinions split between a totally
                 rence, in all the series of complex strin-         extraterrestrial nature and a more hybrid
                 gs, of an isolated bitmap of the original          one. This hypothesis was supported by
                 Cosmic Call ( O ), meaning ‘division’. The         the Issuer’s too casual handling of se-
                 most plausible interpretation was that it          mantic, linguistic and historical content
                 corresponded to the haiku’s kireji. It is          that was clearly terrestrial in origin and
                 an  untranslatable  Japanese  ideogram,            could not be deduced from the scant bit-
                 often transliterated in translations with a        maps of the original Cosmic Call.
                 hyphen (-), designating a sort of untran-          During these discussions, which someti-
                 slatable interruption/connection within            mes protracted idly, something happe-
                 the  poetic  composition,  pointing  to  a         ned that somehow cleared the field for
                 sense of change, an intuition, a change            the hybrid hypothesis. The Issuer revea-
                 of perspective.                                    led itself in a form that went far beyond
                 As is often the case in deciphering work,          the radio message, however articulate
                 this hypothesis has allowed us to deci-            that may have been. A graphic digital fi-
                 pher the signals in a cascade effect and           gure appeared on the screens of Yevpa-
                 to give them a transliteration and con-            toria, its form becoming more and more
                 sequent plausible translation, in a net            distinct in a sort of human face. Coinci-
                 statistical margin of error in attributing         ding with the visual phases of this meta-
                 meaning to the various combinations of             morphosis were the haikus that had been
                 “ideograms”, and subsequently to the               catalogued until now, these too now pre-
                 haiku made up thereof.                             sented in a graphic form that surprisin-
                                                                    gly corresponded to the deductions and
                 BELOW IS AN EXAMPLE OF A HAIKU:                    decipherments that had been made ba-
                                                                    sed on the radio signals until then. In the

                 Wì#W 01L O -./:L Dz Z;% wzá òK                     hours following the video appearance, a
                                                                    sort of symbolic totem pole made of Er-
                 Transliteration:                                   gal, a now disused aeronautical material,
                                                                    was also found near the main radio tele-
                 Consciousness Code kireji DNA Key                  scope. This contained a dodecahedron,
                 Body ActionEtc Immortality                         a bonsai tree planted in an ostrich egg,
                                                                    and an old radio emitting musical frag-
                 Translation:                                       ments. It did not take long to realize that
                                                                    the sound line was synchronized with the
                 Consciousness is in the code –                     video that had appeared in the laborato-
                 DNA as the body’s key                              ries. The two objects were thus related.
                 Makes immortality.

                 NB: the bitmap á = Etc/... placed at the
                 end of an ideogrammatic string, makes it
                 into a verbal form. In this haiku for exam-
                 ple: wz Action + á Etc/... = wzá To make

                                                                         OCTOPUS COMMISSION REPORT NOV 3TH 2101
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