P. 6
Dr Mart: It seems obvious if we re-read progress towards immortality. Isn’t this
haiku number 4: “Faith with logic, coinci- scientific vision in clear continuity with
dentia oppositorum”. our finalist religions which promise an
Dr Recht: Exactly. But Schwarz goes fur- end of time where death will be defea-
ther, he doesn’t want to oppose the sa- ted? That’s where faith goes with reason.
cred to reason, but wants to mix them in Dr Net: I still think it’s mostly our own
an even greater indifference. confusion.
Dr Net: I tend to think that this is an Dr Zam: You really don’t like the entropic
over-interpretation due to our inability to nature of reality. I understand, although
decipher. As you know, I am for simple that is the cosmic fate that awaits us.
solutions. Dr Mart: Well then, “great is the confu-
Dr Zam: You can never rule it out, but I sion under heaven”...
am fascinated by the thesis of a superior Dr Recht: I see you like quotations in frag-
indifference. A kind of poetic version of ments. That’s where you need to pause
entropy. and reflect. What is Schwarz doing if not
Dr Recht: I would say you are very fond communicating in fragments? Though
of the word, more of its sound than of let’s be very careful about using the word
its concept. My point is this: what is the communication! If we understand it in
undifferentiated sacred, if not something the human sense, it is totally misleading.
that, in human terms, we would call mad- His is an indifferent communication that
ness? And what is the ultimate word ma- goes by trial and error. In its pure code, it
dness? does not send us information, it does not
Dr Zam: That which detaches itself from convey content for us. His is an adven-
its meaning to float. ture for himself, a form of curiosity that
Dr Recht: Float and resonate. This crazy leads him to explore possibilities of get-
word is undoubtedly the poetic word, a ting closer to the human as corporeal.
word that does not require the discern- Dr Mart: Are you trying to say that
ment of reason. Schwarz yearns for our bodies after evol-
Dr Mart: This would coherently explain ving into pure immortal code?
Schwarz’s use of the haiku form! Dr Recht: Coincidence of opposites,
Dr Net: Right. I want to get on your same once again. You can also call it heresy if
plane and use these so-called poems... you like the word better. He is a pure in-
Be reminded that haiku 4 talks about telligence that, instead of shunning the
both faith and logic, not about indulging body, is fascinated by it and yearns for
in madness. it. He is almost Christian in this desire, is
Dr Recht: Madness and reason are hu- he not? Let us not forget the resurrection
man categories. Let us not forget that of the body, which according to doctri-
Schwarz is not human, at least not com- ne would take place on the Day of Judg-
pletely. Certainly, he wields our cultural ment.
fragments with dexterity, but the most Dr Zam: One of the sound fragments is
we can conceive of is that he is an ex- the Dies Irae!
traterrestrial form of intelligence, the Dr Mart: As if we needed confirmation.
result of human evolution after its diffu-
sion in interstellar colonies. Its nature is
certainly a-corporeal, as in Haiku 4: “The
extinction of a natural machine/ leads to
Dr Net: I don’t understand.
Dr Recht: Schwarz is probably the result
of scientific progress, the beginnings of
which we can only see today - a salvific