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                 Dr Recht: Let’s be careful, though,                dio-receive.” His signals are deliberately
                 Schwarz is always contradictory. In Haiku          cryptic  and essentially  undecipherable,
                 1, we read: “The quantum Dies Irae leads           he is only interested that we receive
                 to post-organic life”. He uses the concept         them, not that we understand them! We
                 of the end of time as the end of organic           are only a means of exploring corporea-
                 and thus corporeal life. In the mingling           lity, which for him, as a heretical physica-
                 of the sacred, however, this and its op-           list, coincides with divinity.
                 posite can coexist. The Dies Irae can also         Dr Mart:  This would indeed be confir-
                 lead back to the resurrection of bodies.           med by haiku 8, which reads: “God is
                 A and NOT A apply at the same time.                material”.
                 Dr Net: You are delirious.                         Dr Recht: These are all fair observations
                 Dr Zam: Madness and poetry, Dr Net.                in my view, so let me make a point. We
                 Dr Recht: Of course.  That is why its              can therefore say that yours is a kind of
                 exploratory signals, however indifferent           contact/non-contact for ritual purposes.
                 to us, are a form of love. A love-knowle-          A superior being, which we could call
                 dge, however, ceaseless in its attempts,           almost transcendent, yearns for our cor-
                 supremely poetic in its futility.                  poreality and tentatively searches for it
                 Dr Zam: You spoke earlier of heresy. You           through contradictory fragments, preci-
                 said, if you will pardon my brutal sum-            sely because he sees (in what we would
                 mary, that Schwarz is a worshipper of the          once have called the union of flesh and
                 body. I would then take the liberty of de-         spirit) a sacred fullness, endlessly re-
                 fining yours as a physicalist heresy, which        mixed, something that, in the complete
                 believes in a spirit in constant search of a       discernment of his own totally codified
                 bodily substratum.                                 a-corporeality, he does not possess: “Im-
                 Dr Recht: A good definition – insofar as           mortality makes me infinite - A different
                 we bear in mind that his worship coexi-            body leads to heresy, as if to sacrifice”
                 sts perfectly well with a substantial indif-       (Haiku 6).
                 ference towards us.                                Dr Zam: I think we must interpret, in this
                 Dr Net:  Why should  he be indifferent             direction, the various metamorphic pha-
                 and attracted to us at the same time?              ses of Schwarz’s face in the video signal.
                 I know, now you will come back to the              The two-dimensionality of the screen is
                 coincidence of opposites.                          evidence of his effort to become a body,
                 Dr Recht:  The key to understanding is             but the fragmentary and changing plasti-
                 time, Dr Recht. Schwarz’s sense of time            city of the face, which sometimes corre-
                 is linked to his purely coded nature. In           lates with the bitmap fragments making
                 a human dimension, he comes from the               up the haiku, is a further, obvious visual
                 future (for us) and returns to the past (for       sign, of his continuous attempts.
                 us). His, however, is another temporality,         Dr Recht: I agree, but I would like to add
                 at light speed or perhaps even faster, as          something. If Schwarz is pure code, we
                 far as we know. What if, space-time fol-           might think he is also pure meaning wi-
                 ded in him in a circle? There is no begin-         thout a signifying substratum. The body
                 ning and no end, only mixing, a place of           he yearns for could be precisely the ma-
                 the undifferentiated, of incoherence, a            terial signifier to which he adheres, albeit
                 place of the sacred. Let us reread haiku 5         arbitrarily, his own meaning.
                 in this framework: “The timeless lethargy          Dr Net: A linear argument, for once.
                 carries the message - Heterogenesis of             Dr Recht: I am glad that, at last, you are
                 the ends.”                                         not criticizing one of my passages. I must
                 Dr Zam:  And may I remind you that in              disappoint you again, however. For if it
                 Haiku 2 it is written: “Scwarzkommando             is true what I have just said, it is also true
                 speaks hermetic languages - The code,              that a code is not only a vehicle for infor-
                 together with the key, force man to ra-            mation and therefore for meaning but

                                                                         OCTOPUS COMMISSION REPORT NOV 3TH 2101
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