P. 9


                 Dr Recht: They could be another Pytha-             singing of the muezzin, the Dies Irae, and
                 gorean tribute. They are the numbers of            again the millenarian perspectives. Yet, it
                 the tetractys, the equilateral triangle with       is not all tragedy: there is also room for
                 base 4 and vertex 1 with the two interme-          farce. The tune you hear is a piece that
                 diate stages 3 and 2. Often, each stage is         mocks Von Braun and his indifference to
                 associated with one of the elements - the          his missiles’ rainbow-trajectories.
                 base being earth, heaviness, rising to wa-         Dr Mart: And what about the abundant
                 ter, followed by air and finally, at vertex 1,     presence of tritones?
                 there is fire. It is an upwards thrust, whi-       Dr  Recht:  Could Schwarzkommando
                 ch we can interpret both metaphorically            ever not love dissonance? By cyclically
                 and technologically.                               repeating a tritone, the human ear no
                 Dr Zam: Once again, the rocket. Howe-              longer discerns whether it is an ascen-
                 ver, I would also add an allusion to pro-          ding or descending interval. Once again,
                 gress, to a certain form of finalism, to a         the coincidence of opposites, the end of
                 quest for perfection.                              the principle of non-contradiction. Haiku
                 Dr Recht: No objection to that. Among              9 reads: “The tritone - music leads us to
                 other things, the presence of the egg -            the anti-syllogism”. Diabolus in music.
                 an original cosmic symbol but also a sign
                 of alchemical perfection, of the return
                 to original purity after the corruption of
                 matter - suggests that Schwarz likes to
                 play catch-up. He is pure codified fire
                 and wants to  make a heretical reverse
                 journey towards corporeality and thus
                 descend towards the earthly base of the
                 Dr Mart: Could that be why a bonsai tree
                 is planted in the egg?
                 Dr Recht: The roots are certainly in the
                 ground, and the soil needs to be culti-
                 Dr Zam: So, if the bonsai alludes to cul-
                 tivation,  could  the  egg  allude  to  bree-
                 ding? If so, Schwarz is talking about the
                 basis of all civilization.
                 Dr  Recht:  Certainly,  but  the  bonsai  is
                 more than that, for it is also a living being
                 lovingly kept in a state of containment.
                 As it comes out of the egg-origin, we can
                 interpret it as a sign of space-time con-
                 Dr Mart: We are left with this old radio.
                 Dr Recht: After breeding and cultivation
                 comes industry, especially the communi-
                 cation industry. The radio is a tribal drum,
                 the ancestor of our cosmic messages.
                 Dr Zam: Let us not forget that it is the me-
                 ans through which the sonic part of the
                 symbolic corpus through which Schwarz
                 revealed himself to us.
                 Dr Recht: Indeed, here are religions, the

                                                                         OCTOPUS COMMISSION REPORT NOV 3TH 2101
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