P. 73

Radioviolenza is the story of a

                                            hallucinated day, based on a certain

                                              taste for the impertinent, not very
    BASIC                                                polite and even less resigned.

    DESCRIPTION:                    Radioviolenza is the fleeting movement

                                            of two eyes squinting at each other,

                                     united for a moment by a secret that is

                                            theirs alone. Radioviolenza does not

                                                                            say it, but it does it.

       BACKSTORY:  Sun  on  the  roof  of                        and  accelerated  by  a  certain,  vi-
       buildings        under        construction,               gorous  and  unperturbed  kinetic

       sun  beating  down  on  a  ballfield,                     force Y, when it meets Z we have
       we play, before during and after                          the  resultant  Delta.  To  the  va-
       the game. Playing is good. The ga-                        riable X can be replaced a fist, a
       me,the one in the middle, is over                         belt, a flagpole, street furniture.
       and a group of guys are hanging                           The Y variable can be replaced by
       out drinking beers on the roofs of                        energy of people used to the art
       their cars.                                               of war, to sweating backs, crashed
       An act considered rude and unre-                          by the work on the ground, to the
       spectful  by  us  locals:  they  don’t                    weight and the noise of industrial
       know,  or  pretend  not  to  know,                        tools  handled  from  Monday  to
       that  our  entire  religion  prohibi-                     Friday.  The  resulting  Z  is  a  ban-

       ts  infidels  from  drinking  alcohol                     ner that changes hands, it is torn
       near the places set aside for the                         epidermal organic tissue, more or
       worship  of  a  Dea  who,  as  they                       less  extensive  bruising  and  blee-
       should know, can be as generous                           ding. In no case does the resulting
       as she is terrible.                                       Z  involve  vital  organs,  internal
       On the other hand, you don’t need                         bleeding or injuries necessary for
       to  have  read  Kerényi  to  realize                      major surgery.
       that  every  true  cult  involves  to-                    Although terrible, our Dea orders
       tal  devotion,  take  it  or  leave  it,                  us to hold dear the life of anyo-

       we have taken it and sometimes                            ne.. END BACKSTORY.
       we take hits.
       Ready,  go!,  to  describe  the  con-
       sequent situation we can use me-
       taphors imported from mechani-
       cal physics and organic chemistry:
       placed a body X with its own mass                                                                      68
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