P. 74
Two years later, the kids grow up
and the moms get older. The Fede-
ration has the great idea of orga-
nizing a summer friendly game on Destination Gradisca di Isonzo, a
August 24 between us and those little hamlet, peaceful and lonely,
of the background. I’m crazy about which in the following days beca-
the smell of summer friendly ma- me famous in the regional press,
thches in the morning: less nihilists only to fall back into anonymity for
in blue to check, civil society and re- a few years and then rise to promi-
porters at the seaside, beach style, nence for much sadder things.
desire to travel: in the square of our When we arrived, escorted from
corner there are two buses with 54 the tollbooth by a single jeep of
seats each with its driver, reached nihilists in blue, the stadium appe-
and full in half an hour by 107 of the ared like a trick from the Minitalia
most hardened initiates to the cult of architecture: a very small and di-
and number 1 mystic with its ani- lapidated stadium was connected
mal guide: a dog called Dea, just to to an enormous athletics center,
remember the important concepts. completely out of scale and cente-
The tollbooth bar raised is signal for red on an English ryegrass garden
the usual ritual: one!?!? two!?!? oo- with plaster statues of athletes in
oooooooo_!!!!!! purify us god and classical Greek style. Ah, the local
I’ll be whiter than snow!!! Flying planners! The puffing of the pneu-
snorting platforms and fluorescent matically operated doors of the bus
bags open the doors of perception, erases the landscape digressions
the journey doubles: that of bodies and gives way to adrenaline, whi-
and that of consciousness. Everyo- ch kicks up all the substances in its
ne is free to choose his own catho- system to take over the scene: the
de-ray accelerator based on expe- zippers of the balaclava shirts close
rience and inspiration, sewing on in sync, showing that the same idea
a custom-made dress. My tailor’s has come to everyone’s mind: bre-
shop is called Junger&Hoffmann, I ak through the cordons, go around
recommend it. the athletic field and see what hap-