P. 76
Nethers, Mess, Athletic Track, Kicker, Well Set
The police chiefs of the security ser-
vice quickly understood and closed
ranks, advancing with their shields. try to make a run by going straight
There aren’t many of them, nor are to their sector. And here, ladies and
there just a few, but there are a gentlemen, here’s the kicker: a pla-
lot for a summer friendly, as they toon of police immediately shows
were expecting it, given the prece- its street virginity, under the com-
dents, but a space that wasn’t de- mand of a stocky marshal who’s fa-
signed for containment made it a ded from provincial life. Heroes of
lot easier. If a doctor had seen us the paper-pusher, uncontested ma-
from a distance coming down the sters of the raid on the dangerous
steps, he would have been surpri- criminals of the high schools, they
sed to diagnose acute orchitis for try a charge between the enthu-
at least a third of us. Orchitis mira- siasm of the love of their Country
culously cured within two minutes and the desire to tell it to the bored
of throwing flashlights and paper lover with whom they are the ma-
bombs. Nehers as hiding places, it sters of lived life. Oh my God, they
would be to write a manual. even give a few blows, they are well
The chaos created makes a mess, armed, but after the fury they really
and all it takes is a not too violent take a lot of hits. After a few times
charge to open their cordon. We in the fight you can’t help but meet
are now in the athletic track, with the eyes of your antagonist in the
the sector of others near. They un- clash, in a dilated series of fractions
derstand and look out. The quickest of a millisimal, you feel like you can
and most experienced of our guys guess everything about his spirit,
climbs the fence of the sector and moved by the danger and the fury
begins to explain the laws of motion of the conflict. At that moment I
described above with a practical saw the eyes of the policeman Gar-
example, I immediately assist him giulo, sure of his military service,
from below, answering the many more or less my age, happy to wear
questions that are asked in series a uniform and be able to experience
by the guys on the other side of the the thrill of his impunity. Gargiulo,
fence. The numbers are growing as this time you’ re out of luck, it will
the nihilists in blue have completely be for the next one, two blows of
lost control of the situation, so we a well-set cemented rod on his hel-
met make him desist from any fur-
71 ther ambition.