P. 219


               Prevention of Breast Cancer in Women

               In our fast-paced lifestyle, the way of thinking that is changing among the new generations,
               new cause-and-effect relationships are created for the occurrence of diseases, including breast
               cancer. Breast cancer occurs mostly in the most economically developed countries of the world.
               The growing numbers point us to this, and the incidence of breast cancer is many times higher
               than any other type of cancer in women, and unfortunately it is constantly increasing every year
               in Croatia. According to the data of the Croatian Cancer Registry, the Croatian Institute of
               Public  Health,  a  total  of  2,748  women  were  diagnosed  with  breast  cancer  in  2015.  The
               occurrence of breast cancer in women under the age of 40, which is 8.63 percent of the total
               number of women, is worrying. Every twenty seconds, somewhere in the world, one woman is
               given this diagnosis, and more than three women die every five minutes in the world. The
               implementation of primary prevention measures depends on a woman's willingness to take care
               of her health and not knowingly endanger it. You should go for regular breast examinations, try
               to avoid risk factors for breast cancer, which are very well known and scientifically proven.
               Maintaining a normal body weight is extremely important for maintaining health and preventing
               all  diseases,  of  which  malignant  ones  are  the  most  serious.  Alcohol  interferes  with  the
               metabolism of numerous hormones, including estrogen, and its consumption is by no means
               recommended. Tobacco smoking is most often associated with lung cancer, but 4,000 harmful
               substances from tobacco smoke damage all organs in the body, including the breast. Hormone
               replacement  therapy  has  brought  relief  to  many  women  in  terms  of  relieving  menopausal
               symptoms, but it can also be harmful. A clinical, mammographic and ultrasound examination
               of the breasts is advised for the purpose of risk assessment and decision on the way of further
               monitoring  of  those  who  decide  on  hormone  replacement  therapy.  By  avoiding  these  few
               significant risk factors, it is possible to prevent as much as 40 percent of malignant breast
               tumors. We must not neglect secondary prevention either. Regular breast examinations can
               prevent  breast  cancer  from  becoming  life-threatening. Among  the  radiological  methods  of
               breast examination, the two most effective and most frequently used diagnostic methods are
               mammography and breast ultrasound. It is best to come up with a breast cancer prevention plan
               for each woman separately, depending on the knowledge of the existence of risk factors during
               history taking, the density and structure of the breast tissue, and the woman's age.

               Key words: breast cancer, risk factors, prevention, primary prevention, secondary prevention

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