Page 16 - Magazine - 12-8-2021.cdr
P. 16



       Emergency for which mock-drill is conduct: Fire Drill

       Type of mock-drill: Practice Drill
       Overall response time: 4 mnts

                     Good points of mock drill                           Observed shortfall in mock drill

                                                                 The over-all response time was 4 minutes. But for the ground
                                                                   floor I should be maximum 2 minutes 30 seconds or less.
        Fire alarm in good working condition so that to all the persons
                                                                 There is a mezzanine floor Meeting room area. It was observed
          at MPW-IND Ground floor office premises could hear/ see
                                                                   that the MPW-IND Personnel who were in meetings in this
          audible alarm, visual signal. All employees at ground floor
                                                                    mezzanine floor did not hear/notice the alarm. Security
           responded promptly to the emergency alarm raised and
                                                                   personnel had to inform them to evacuate to the assembly
         walked to the temporarily assigned Assembly point. Fire exit
                                                                   point. There is no emergency exit for the mezzanine floor
            signs area visible and were clear of the obstructions.
                                                                   meeting room area. Only one exit is available. Permanent
          Emergency door was free of obstructions, plainly marked,
                                                                      Assembly point area was not demarcated. Alert and
             unlocked and in good condition for quick evacuation.
                                                                  announcement system were not available. Fire extinguishers
                                                                             inspection tags were not available.
         Sl.         Corrective actions in related to observed shortfall in mock drill,               Responsibility
        No.                                  Area of improvement
                Mock drill shall be conducted periodically to increase the emergency response and to attain
          1                                                                                                  EHS
                the maximum target time below 2 minutes and 30 seconds
          2     Emergency exit should be provided for Mezzanine Floor meeting room area                      HR
                Muster list of employees on duty needs to be maintained by HR on daily basis and security
          3                                                                                                  HR
                personnel should keep a register or copy of the muster list with him
                Awareness training of Basic Fire Fighting method need to be provided to all the MPW-IND
          4                                                                                                  EHS
                employees and Contractor staff.

                All the Fire extinguishers are required to be inspected and should each have inspection tags of
                monthly inspection as per NFPA 10.
          5                                                                                               ADMIN/HR
                Supplier must ensure all fire extinguishers have inspection tags and monthly inspection is
                Permanent Assembly point for all the MPW-IND Staff should be demarcated and be known to
          6                                                                                                ADMIN
                every staff.
                In an emergency, A public Alert and announcement system is also necessary to address the
          7                                                                                                ADMIN
                staff/ visitors/outsiders.

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