Page 2 - ALA Fall 2017 Newsletter
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ALA Is Your Voice to discuss the
in the Adirondacks importance of a
Warm greetings from Adirondack management
Lakes Alliance. We are pleased to plan.
present our first newsletter in an
effort to better serve and During these
communicate with everyone in our past four years,
service family. ALA has been
an integral part
Supporting our mission statement, of a broad base
“the ALA provides a forum for lake of stakeholders
and river associations to share committed to
information and resources,” it is our protecting our
intent through this and subsequent waters and
publications to highlight the work watersheds
being undertaken by our members from invasive species. ALA is a collaborative
and others throughout the approach to aquatic and
Adirondack region, to share best Who should pay for AIS terrestrial threats
practices and to include information treatment plans?
helpful to protecting our lakes, rivers On behalf of our ALA team, we wish
and watersheds. While there have been numerous you well and commend you on the
positive initiatives that lake and river important work you are doing on
Our lake and river association associations have benefitted from, behalf of so many. It is a privilege to
members and their thousands of there are still real challenges we face. serve as your Executive Director, and I
volunteers are strong advocates in APIPP reports nearly 70% of water look forward to our work together
promoting good stewardship in bodies they monitor are invasive free. during this coming year.
keeping our Adirondack waters clean However, for those lakes with one or ~Ed Griesmer, ALA Executive Director
and safe for all to enjoy. Your more invasive species, treatment plan
contributions have been invaluable, costs remain high, and serious
without which many of our water questions are being raised as to how
bodies would be in serious peril. and who should pay. Funding remains
the number one issue.
A shared passion to keep
our waters clean ALA represents the interests and
needs of all our associations, and
This commitment was clearly evident your input is crucial in this effort.
at our August ALA Symposium, where Reach out to the Regional Directors
nearly 150 associations, agencies and serving your area with questions,
state and local officials came together recommendations or suggestions.