Page 6 - ALA Fall 2017 Newsletter
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APA and APIPP are the Adirondack Park Agency (APA).
Minim fugiat excepteur
evaluating AIS early
aute duis proident velit Data collected from several water-
detection technology
incididunt id bodies this past summer will be
evaluated to determine if the
Over the past decade advances in technology will be a wise investment.
electronic equipment and cloud- If the results are positive, then a
based computing have been citizen scientist-based mapping
developed for acoustic (sonar) data. program may be initiated for the
The technology allows for the rapid APIPP region.
collection of high resolution data
which can be used to map lake depth, As currently envisioned, the program
bottom substrate hardness and would partner volunteers with a
vegetation. The technology is staffed program manager. Volunteers
intriguing, and its use as a tool to help would commit the time and
inform aquatic invasive species early watercraft necessary to collect data,
detection and management programs while volunteer training and
in the Adirondacks is currently being oversight, data management/
evaluated by the Adirondack Park processing, report generation and
Invasive Plant Program (APIPP) and other support would be overseen by a
Our Success Comes
Our Partners
Adirondack Park Agency (APA) From Teamwork The Adirondack Landowner’s
Adirondack Association of Towns Association initially helped get us a seat
and Villages (AATV) From the initial concept of bringing a at the table. This august organization
Adirondack Park Invasive Plant collective voice to the table that is has been in existence since 1990, with a
Program (APIPP) representative of the “boots on the noble purpose: to promote
Adirondack Council, Adirondack ground”--the many large and small sustainability of ownership and
Landowners Association lake and river associations--we had stewardship of private lands in the
Adirondack Watershed Institute of encouragement and support from our Adirondacks. Working together, we
Paul Smith’s College (AWI) Partners and Associates every step of ensure our watersheds enjoy excellent
Lake Champlain-Lake George the way. These relationships have stewardship.
Regional Planning Board (LCLGRPB) grown stronger and more positive in
Town of Horicon
Lake George Association the few short years Adirondack Lakes The invaluable knowledge and expertise
Lake George Park Commission (LGPC) Alliance has been in existence our impressive Partners so graciously
NYS Conservation Council, Inc. share is what makes us successful and
NYS Federation of Lake Associations Senator Betty Little and Assemblyman thus able to provide value to you, our
NYS Hemlock Initiative (NYSHI) Dan Stec, staunch ALA supporters, membership.
Essex County Soil and Water have always made themselves
Conservation District available. They give us an audience As the late Steve Jobs said, “Great things
Hamilton County Soil and Water and assistance when and where they in business are never done by one person.
Conservation District can, yet never shy away from bursting They’re done by a team of people.” Thank
Warren County Soil and Water an unrealistic bubble. ALA and all you to all, and we look forward to
Conservation District Adirondackers are very fortunate to achieving great success together in 2018
NYS Department of Environmental have these two representatives in our and beyond.
Conservation (DEC)
corner. ~Jane Smith, ALA Associate Director