Page 5 - ALA Fall 2017 Newsletter
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the Adirondacks. While Aquatic solutions that work within each
Preservation and Invasive Species (AIS) remains as the watershed. There is no one-size-fits-
Protection of Adirondack number one threat, other concerns all remedy for any of these issues.
identified are:
Waters Top Priority • Road Salt Unfortunately, AIS is not
• Terrestrial invasives about to take a back seat
The Adirondack Lakes Alliance (ALA) • Climate change (global
was formed to reach out and provide environmental change) We hope you begin thinking about
a voice to all lake and river • Nutrients/fertilizer/pesticides which of these issues are top
associations within the Adirondack • Erosion priorities for your lake association
Park. Our mission is for the protection • Stormwater pollution and begin focusing your efforts n
and preservation of Adirondack • Algae 2018 and beyond.
waters. • Shoreline development
Unfortunately, AIS is not about to take
Now going into our fourth year, we Threats are many and a back seat, so we must remain
need to begin thinking about all the require coordination and vigilant in continuing our efforts at
threats that our waters are up technical expertise eradication and control. The ALA
against. We had great success with stands ready to provide guidance and
highlighting invasive species and have There are many opportunities for us expertise so that together we can
greatly improved awareness and to continue our work. With our vast make a difference!
response actions to limit these network of lake and river ~By Margaret Murphy, Ph.D., ALA
organisms from entering the associations, local universities, such Director, Region B
Adirondacks. as Paul Smith’s, SUNY-ESF and
Clarkson, along with
Most of you have been preventing or the professional
managing the spread of aquatic expertise both on
invasive species (AIS) for at least five our board and
years, with several for more than 20 within each
years. This shows the dedication and association, we
commitment to this issue. However, have the manpower
there are many other threats that we and skills to begin
need to be aware of and educate tackling these
ourselves and others on the potential issues.
impacts to our pristine water bodies.
The threats are
Road salt considered top many and varied
critical threat to lakes and require
coordination and
The 2016 survey that many members technical
filled out (thank you!) highlights the understanding in
top threats facing lake associations in order to develop
ALA Newsletter Fall 2017 5