Page 10 - codeing world
P. 10

Introducing Scratch
                                                 13: BITMAP/VECTOR

                06: UNDO/REDO                             MODE

          Use  these  arrows  to                 The paint editor has two
                                                 modes  –  Bitmap  and
          undo  or  redo  your  last
                                                 Vector.  In  Vector  mode
                                                 (shown  here),  the  editor
                                                 lets  you  to  edit  shapes
                  07: CLEAR                      after  you  have  created
                                                 them,       and      your
         Clear       the       current           costumes              and
         costume and start again!                backgrounds  will  look
                                                 really  good  when  you

                                                 make     them      bigger.
                   08: ADD                       When  you  create  a  new
                                                 costume,  the  editor  will
         Add  another  costume
                                                 be  in  Bitmap  mode  by
         image  from  the  Scratch               default. In Bitmap mode,

         library                                 you can’t easily move or
                                                 resize  shapes  you  have
                  09: IMPORT
                                                 drawn, but some people

         Add  another  costume                   find  it  easier  to  get
         image        from        your           started  with.  When  you
                                                 edit an existing costume,
                                                 the  editor  will  be  in  the
                   10: FLIP T                    mode  that  the  costume
                                                 was created with
         Flip                costume
         horizontally or vertically                 14: COLOUR PALETTE
                                                 Use      this    palette     to
                                                 choose a colour.
            11: COSTUME CENTRE
                                                     15: COLOUR PICKER
         Set     your      costume’s
                                                            16: ZOOM
         centre,  which  is  used                Use  this  to  pick  up  a            17: COLOUR SWITCH
         when        moving        and           colour on your costume

         rotating your sprite                                                          Switch between two
                                                          16: LINE SIZE                selected colours.
                   12: ZOOM
                                                   Move  this  slider  to

        Use these icons to zoom                    change the line size used
        in  and  out  of  your                     when drawing.

        costume as you edit it
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