Page 8 - codeing world
P. 8

Introducing Scratch
                                               11: SCRIPTS/ COSTUMES/

                05: SPRITE LIST                      SOUNDS TABS

          This  shows  all  of  the           Switch  between  coding
          sprites  in  your  project.         your project, and adding

          You  can  click  the  blue          costumes and sounds.
          information  icon  on  any

          sprite  to  change  its
          name       and      how      it       12: MOUSE POINTER CO-

          behaves.                                     ORDINATES

               06: BACKDROPS                            13: SHARE

         Change  how  your  stage              If  you  have  a  Scratch

         looks  by  adding  new                account,  you  can  share
         backdrops                             your  projects  with  the
             07: FULL-SCREEN

                                                   14: SEE PROJECT PAGE
         Make  your  stage  full  -
         screen  so  that  others                Add  instructions  and
         can see your creation in                other  notes  to  your

         its full glory                          project,  and  see  how
                                                 others in the community
            08: PROJECT NAME
                                                 are interacting with it

                                                            15: TIPS
               09: START/STOP
                YOUR PROJECT                     Get  project  tutorials,
                                                 tips  on  using  Scratch,
             10: CURSOR TOOLS
                                                 and  learn  more  about
                                                 how each block works
         Duplicate  ,  Delete  ,

         Grow  ,  and  Shrink  a                            16: ZOOM                      18: MY STUFF
         sprite  (by  clicking  an
                                                            17: MENU
         icon and then a sprite on                                                     This  is  where  your
         the  stage).  Click  the                  Use  the  menu  to  load,           projects  are  stored
         Block Help tool , then a                  save,  and  browse  your            online

         block  in  the  palette  to               projects,     and      access
         learn more about it.                      loads  of  other  useful

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