Page 9 - codeing world
P. 9

Introducing Scratch

                    Costumes Tab
                     Costumes Tab

                       Click on this tab to open the paint editor

                                               01 : NEW COSTUME                           03 : CANVAS
                                            Add  costumes  to  a                       This  is  the  canvas  where

                                            sprite  by  adding  them                   you edit a costume.
                                            from the Scratch library
                                            ,  drawing  your  own  ,                     04 : COSTUME NAME
                                            uploading      an    image                 You  can  change  the
                                            from your computer    ,                    name  of  a  costume,  so
                                            or using your webcam                       that you can find it more
                                             to take a picture.                        easily.

                                               02 : COSTUMES LIST                         05 : TOOLS

                                            Your  sprite’s  costumes                   You  can  use  these  tools
                                            will  appear  here,  and                   to  edit  your  image.  You
                                            you  can  click  one  to                   can add lines, shapes and
                                            start editing it                           text,  as  well  as  adding
                                                                                       colour, and lots more.
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