Page 6 - _Temp
P. 6
/ сап use different tenses to talk about the present and future.
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the list of annoying Complete the text with the correct present simple or
hablts. Which annoy you the most? Which do you do? continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Маге than one
answer may Ье possiЫe.
• che.d:.ttheirrnobllephoreallthetime..
• alw� arriveS: late. wtien mutlrl& friendS:.
• intemip� реорlе.аИ the ttmc
• Ьorro�thi�Ь
• alw�t.9ali3: aЬout him!;e.lfeiш: 1 frequent1y 1 ____ (text) my friends оп
my mobl1e phone, but l'm not Hke some people
2 rt]E Read and listen to the diatogue. Which of the who 1 ____ (always use) their phones,
fau1ts in exercise 1 does Andy complain about? Do you even when they 1 ____ (go out) with
friends. 1 � ____ (use) it at the moment
agree with the advice Jessica gives Andy? Why? / Why not? because 1 5 ____ (revise) with some
Jessica Hi, Andy. You don't seem too happy! friends tomorrow (our exams 6 ___ _
Andy Oh, it's Tom. 1 know he's а friend, but he сап Ье {start) оп Monday) and we 1 ____ (try)
really annoying sometimes. to decide where to meet. Texting 8 ___ _
Jessica What do you mean? (help) you organise your life, but shouldn't
Andy Well, he never asks about what l'm doing. 1 не·� dominate it1
always talking about his life and what he's going to
do, but he doesn't care about anyone else!
Jessica Yes, l've noticed that 2 he never takes an interest in
other people. Аге you going to do anything about it?
Andy What сап I do? 1 That's the t1ersonality he's got.
Jessica 4 Next timeyou see him 1 tel1 him that it annoys you. ... Grammar8uilderL1 page1Z2
1'11 tel1 him if you want because it irritates me too!
Andy Perhaps I should, because shis attitude is reatly б Read the learn thisl Ьох. Complete the rules with wifl or
putting me off him. lf he can't change his going to. Use the underlined examples from the dia1ogue in
behaviour, then I don't see how we сап stay friends. exercise 2 to help you.
6 Our first lesson tomorrow is English. 1'11 speak to
him then. t.EARN THIS! will and going to
Jessica Good idea. lf he's really а good friend, he won't �i� For predictions, we use:
get angry а ____ when it is based on what we can see ог
Andy Well, thanks for your advice. 7 I'm playing football hear.
this evening, and it looks like it's going to rain, so l'd
better go home and pick up my waterproofs. See you. ____ when it is based on what we know or is
Jessica ОК. Good luck with Tom! just а guess
For plans, we use·
Read the Learn this! Ьох. Match the highlighted sentences
(1-7) in exercise 2 with the structures (a-g). ____ when we have already decided whatto do.
____ when we decide what to do at the
LfARN THIS! Present simple and continuous moment of speaking.
:i; We use the present simple: е We use ____ to make offers and promises.
а for habits and routines.
Ь for а permanent situation or fact ... GrammarBu�I.2 ра�122
с for timetaЫes and schedules.
d in future time c!auses after when, as soon as, after, etc. 7 Read the questions. Which present and future tenses
ог (the) next time, etc. would you use to answer each one?
We use the present continuous: 1 What hablts do you have that might annoy people?
е for something happening now ог aЬout now. 2 What do you do if someone has hablts that are annoying?
f for descriЫng annoying behaviour with always. 3 What social arrangements have you made forthe next
g fог future arrangements. few days?
4 What events in school do you predict for the coming year?
S What plans do you have for the next school holiday?
4 Find more examples of the present simple and continuous
in the dialogue in exercise 2. Match them with the uses in 8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions
the lea,n tПisl Ьох. in exercise 7.