Page 7 - _Temp
P. 7
/ сап talk about ту family and life events.
SPEAКING Work in pairs. look at the list below and choose
two things from your childhood to tel1 your partner about.
• your first day at school
• where you used to go оп holiday
• visitiпg your grandparents
• the first birthday that you сап remember
• learning to ride а bike
. . 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
2 rf1В VOCABULARY LIsten. How old are the people be1ng phrases in exercise 6.
described? Choose from the stages of life below.
1 1 was __ in Manchesteron 20August1985, butwe
Stages of life Ье ап adult Ье а centenarian Ье ап infant __ to Liverpool iп 1987 and l __ up nearthe liverpool
Ье а toddler Ье elderly Ье n yourteens Ье middle-aged
football stadium
2 Му brother __ school at sixteen and got his first __
З SPEAКING Work in pairs. Discuss how а person's 1ife changes
between the stages below. four moпths later. However, wheп he was in his tweпties,
he decided he wanted to __ to university and later had
1 infanttotoddler
а change of __
Todd!ers have learned to walk and talk. They are more
3 Му parents __ in love when they were in their late
independeпt than infants
thirties. They got __ after three moпths and then __
2 small child to teenager
married а month later!
3 being in your teens to being in your twenties
4 Although my mum is 65 and has become а __ , she still
4 being middle-aged to being elderly doesn't want to __ . ln fact, she says she loves work and
5 being elderly to being а centenarian wants to start of her ownl
4 Complete the questions with the prepositions below. 5 We didn't have to __ а house because my dad __ his
You сап use them more than о псе. parents' house afterthey had sadly __ .
6 Mydad __ from lreland in 1998. Не met my mum and
about at Ьу of to with
they __ dowп iп Lопdоп where they __ а family
At which age or ages do you think people are .. 7 Му mum's parents __ up when she was vегу young.
1 most obsessed fashion?
They got __ soon after. They both had to travel for their
2 curious the world?
jobs so ту mum was __ Ьу her aunt
з good __ sportl 8 1 __ home when I was eighteen. 1 was really sad to leave
4 addicted socia! media? my town. lt's where 1 __ at the age of ftve, learned __
5 more sensitive __ other people's feelings? and where I met my girlfriend
6 unhappy __ theirfinancial situation?
8 Complete the text with the correct form of the phrases in
7 shocked __ young people's behaviour?
exercise 6.
8 aware the env1ronmenP
..,. Vocabulary Builder Adjective + preposition: page 117 1 was 1 __ on 17 OctoЬer 2001 in Lопdоп, although my
paгents aren't Londoners. Му dad 2 __ from lreland when he
was а teenager and my mum, who is from Croatia, 3 __ home
5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions in
after she had 4 __ to university. Му dad started а busiпess
exercise 4.
and my mum got her first, and only, s __ iп his company!
6 VOCABULARY Complete the life events with the verbs
Well, after а few months, they 6 __ in love, and six months
later they 7 __ engaged. After they got 8 __ they 9 __
become born fall get have learn leave pass to south-east London and 10 __ down in the neighЬourhood
settle start of Greenwich, where they started а 11 __ and I was the first
one to соте along! l've also got а brother and sister, and we've
Life events get married buy а house or f lat emigrate
all Ьееn 12 __ up in the same house. What's mоге, when
Ье '-- Ье brought up (Ьу) retire start а family
my mum's mum 13 __ а grandmother, she decided to leave
'-- in love get divorced 3 __ engaged go to Croatia too and come and help my mum!
university growup 4 __ achangeofcareer
inherit (money, а house, etc.) s __ to drive 6 __ home
leave school/ university move (house) 7 __ away 9 SPEAКING Work in pairs. Describe events in your family
split up 8 __ down 9 а bus1ness start school life. Use phrases from exercises 2 and 6 to help you.
ю __ а grandparent getyour firstjob
1 was Ьоrп iп а small towп, and
when 1 was twelve, we moved here
-- lпtroductioп