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4 Read the leam this! Ьох. Then find examples from the
sentences in exercise 2 for each rule (а-е) .
LEARN THISJ Present perfect simple and continuous
:i':- We use the present pe~fect.simple to~alk about
а how long а current sItuatюn has ex1sted (often with for
and since)
Ь а completed experience at an unspecified time in the past
с an event that is strongly connected with the preseпt
(often with just, already апd yet)
We use the present perfect continuous to talk about:
SPEAКING Describe the photo. Have you ever been to а d ап event that began in the past and fs still in progress
wedding? What was it like?
(We often use for or since to say how loпg the eveпt has
LEARN THIS! Past tenses been in progress.)
:ii- а We use the past simple for а sequence of events that е an event that has recent!y stopped and which explains
happened one after the other. the preseпt situation
Ь We use the past continuous to describe ап activity that
was in progress at а certain time in the past
5 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.
с We use the past simple for а single event that
1 l've Ьееп reading / read this book а11 week, but I still
interrupted а longer event in the past. We use the past
continuous for the longer event haven't Ьееп finishing / finished it
2 Mary'5 face is red because she ha5 been jogging / jogged
d We use the past perfect for ап eventthat happened
for an hour.
before another time in the past
3 Му parents have Ьееп marrying / married for 25 years
4 lt's Ьееп raining / rained all morning and I don'tthink it'II
2 Read the Learn this! Ьох. Match a-d with four sentences ever stop
from1-9. 5 We've been buying / bought а new house, апd we move iп
1 We went to the wedding ceгemony in the town hall, then
6 l've been studying / studied math5 all night, but it still
оп to the reception-we ate loads then danced all night.
doe5n't make any sen5e to me
2 They've Ьееп haviпg danciпg lessoпs, so поw they're both
really coпfident оп the daпcefloor. .,. Grammar Builder I.4and I.S pages 123-124
3 We wеге eating dinner when the band began to play
4 We were celebrating all day оп the wedding day
6 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the
S Му mum had ordered the cakethe week before the weddiпg
correct tense from the two learn thisl boxes.
6 Му older sister has been liviпg with her fiance for two years.
7 Му little sister has Ьееп а bridesmaid three times l ' __ just __ (receive) an email from my cousin Carl
8 Му cousin has been engaged for six weeks I ' ____ (поt see) him siпce he 3 ____ (get)
9 1 haven't met my cousiп's fiance yet married last summer. We all 4 ____ (go) to the
3 Complete the sentences with the correct past simple, past wedding. lt 5 ____ (Ье) great fuп. l ' ___ _
continuous, ог past perfect form of the verbs in brackets. (not go)to а wedding before. Anyway, he and Sally
, ____ (Ье) married for about nine month5 now. They
1 Му brother ____ (learn) to drive while he
____ (live) in London since the marriage. According
____ (study) at university.
to Carl, Sally • ____ (work) really hard and her boss
2 lt ____ (snow) all the time that we ___
_ ___ (offer) her а job iп the Paris office. That's
(drive) up to Scotland.
great news. She's going to accept it. She 11 ___ _
3 l ____ (grow) up in London. but when I was
(1earn) French while 5he 11 ____ (live) in France in t he
sixteen, we ____ (move) to Edinburgh
4 Му sister finally ____ (get) her first job а уеаг 19905, 50 she'II have по ргоЫеm 5ettling in there
after she ____ (leave) university! 7 SPEAКING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
S Му mum ____ (emigrate) to New York, and she 1 How тапу family events have you been to in the past few
____ (start) а business while she ___ _
(live) there
2 What kiпd of events were they? What happened?
6 1 ____ (meet) my best friend last night
1 (поt see) her for over а year!
.,. Grammar Builder I.З page 122