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Can you repair a shock absorber? DIY motorcycle


                                                (including  VAT)  for  a  complete       Absorber Last?
                                                rebuild,  which  includes  new  oil,     To  maintain  peak  performance,
                                                seals,  and  bushes,  though  the        it’s  advisable  to  service  your
                                                price may vary slightly based on         suspension  every  three  years,
                                                parts needed.                            with  five  years  being  the
                                                Shocks equipped with reservoirs          maximum  for  most  road  riders.
                                                have oil under pressure, with gas        While  OE  emulsion  units  may
                                                preventing  air  bubbles  and            seem acceptable until they leak,
                                                providing space for the damping          their  damping  performance  will
                                                rod to move. Reservoirs may be           gradually  degrade  over  time.
 Michael Hancock, K-Tech suspension
                                                internal, external, or attached by a     Higher-performance  shocks  will
                                                hose;  the  positioning  affects          also experience gas leakage into
              r o p e r   m o t o r c y c l e   temperature management during            the  oil,  resulting  in  diminished
              maintenance  is  crucial  for     heavy use. Nitrogen is often used        performance.
       Pkeeping your bike running               instead of air, as it maintains more     My  ZX-6R's  shock  has  only
       smoothly  and  safely,  yet  many        stable  pressure  under  varying         18,000  miles  but  is  20  years
       riders  overlook  the  suspension,       conditions.Aftermarket  single-          old—definitely  overdue  for  a
       treating it as a sealed unit that can    body shocks are also commonly            service.
       be ignored until it begins to leak.      rebuildable.
       The  decline  in  suspension                                                      How  Do  I  Maintain  My  Shock
       performance  can  be  so  gradual        W h a t   S h o c k s   C a n ' t   B e   Absorber?
       that  you  might  not  even  notice      Repaired?                                Though  not  owner-serviceable,
       how  much  your  motorcycle's            Many  bikes  come  with  simple          you can take steps to prolong your
       handling  has  deteriorated.             emulsion shocks, which combine           shock's life. After a wet ride, spray
       However,  maintaining  good              oil and gas in a single body. This       penetrating  fluid  around  the
       contact between your tires and the       setup  can  lead  to  inconsistent       damping  rod  to  protect  it  from
       road is essential for your safety.       damping, especially under heavy          corrosion. Keep an eye out for any
                                                use.  While  it's  theoretically         oil leaks, as running a shock dry
       Michael  Hancock  has  over  14          possible to service these, it's often    can  lead  to  severe  damage,
       years  of  experience  as  an            not economically viable due to the       increasing  service  costs  and
       engineer at K-Tech Suspension in         labor  involved  and  potential          potentially rendering it unusable.
       Derbyshire,  where  he  rebuilds         issues with sealing.
       shocks  and  forks  from  various                                                 Routine  maintenance  should  be
       manufacturers,  including  Öhlins,       For example, replacing the shock         part  of  your  long-term  service
       WP, KYB, and Sachs. He has also          on a Yamaha MT-07 with a K-Tech          schedule,  especially  since  a
       collaborated with top racing teams       Razor-Lite is only £415. This high-      complete  fork  service  at  K-Tech
       in events like the TT, Dakar, GP,        quality  UK-made  shock  features        costs about the same as a shock
       and  BSB  on  K-Tech's  award-           adjustable rebound damping and           rebuild. Be wary of shock covers,
       winning UK-made suspension.              preload settings, and comes with         as they can trap dirt and moisture,
                                                a tailored spring for your weight. In    accelerating corrosion.
       As  part  of  our  DIY  motorcycle       contrast, the OE unit is priced at
       maintenance series, I’m servicing        £446.58  but  offers  inferior            When Does My Shock Absorber
       my  1999  Kawasaki  ZX-6R.               performance.                             N e e d   S e r v i c i n g   o r
       However, rebuilding or repairing a                                                Replacement?
       s h o c k   a b s o r b e r   r e q u i r e s   Investing in a higher-quality shock   Shock  performance  degrades
       s p e c i a l i z e d   t o o l s   a n d   can  yield  better  tolerances  and   gradually, making it hard to notice
       expertise—something even many            more  effective  adjusters,  along        without comparison to a new bike.
       dealerships may not offer.                with a suspension setup tailored         While  engine  oil  changes  are
                                                to  your  riding  style  and  weight.    common, remember that the oil in
       Can  You  Repair  the  Shock             Quality  brands  like  K-Tech,           your shock operates under more
       Absorber on Your Motorcycle?             Maxton,  and  Nitron  offer  robust       stress and is much less plentiful.
       Generally,  if  your  original           options,  with  K-Tech’s  race           Springs  typically  don't  wear  out
       equipment  (OE)  shock  absorber         shocks  proven  to  maintain             unless  they  are  mismatched  or
       has  a  reservoir  protruding  from      performance throughout rigorous          coil-bound, at which point a new
       the body or connected by a hose,         racing seasons.                          spring  costs  around  £85  at  K-
       it  can  likely  be  serviced.  K-Tech                                            Tech. LHR
       typically  charges  around  £145         How  Long  Should  My  Shock

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