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Does dropping a motorcycle helmet ruin it?
recommend replacing helmets Glamster helmet, especially since
every five to seven years, as the there were signs of contact on the
expanded polystyrene (EPS) liner visor.
and outer shell can degrade over Although he didn't see any visible
time. damage upon inspection, the
speed of the accident left him
How Can You Know if Your uneasy. He decided to use The
Helmet Is Safe? Helmet Inspection Company’s
The most reliable way to service to put his mind at ease.
determine if a helmet is still safe is The process was straightforward.
through professional inspection, After completing a simple online
e ' v e a l l b e e n
W there—leaving our using advanced technology form, he packaged his helmet
similar to that used in aerospace
carefully and sent it off. Within
helmet on the bike seat
only to see it tumble to the ground, and marine industries. This three days, he received results
method, however, is only suitable
indicating that his helmet had
or watching it roll off a table, or
accidentally dropping it. for composite shell helmets and sustained a significant impact and
n o t f o r t h e r m o p l a s t i c o r was internally damaged, despite
polycarbonate types found in looking fine externally.
O ffi c i a l l y , m o s t h e l m e t
manufacturers recommend lower-cost models. The inspection provided a
replacing your helmet after any
significant drop, both for your Dropping a Helmet Doesn’t certificate and a unique NFC
sticker for verification, though
Have to Mean It’s Ruined
safety and to protect themselves Without any weight inside, a Diggory wished for more detailed
from liability. Unofficially, they
might suggest that if the helmet dropped helmet can sometimes insights into the damage.
Nonetheless, he was relieved to
remain intact. Martin Slowey from
was empty when it fell, it could
potentially still be okay. The Helmet Inspection Company ( know the truth and plans to use
UK), notes that they often find the service for his other helmets.
surprising results in their tests.
However, the decision isn’t Some helmets that owners T i p s f o r K e e p i n g Yo u r
straightforward due to various believed were unharmed actually Motorcycle Helmet Safe
factors: the height of the drop, the
surface it landed on, the age of the showed hidden damage, while To extend the life of your helmet,
take care not to leave it in
o t h e r s o l d e r t h a n t h e
helmet, and whether anything was recommended five years passed precarious positions. Here are
inside it at the time.
without issues. some tips:
When Should You Replace a
Motorcycle Helmet? For example, one customer • Avoid carrying it by the visor;
tripped on a ferry, and despite the
instead, use the strap to
If your helmet has been struck helmet showing visible wear, an prevent damage.
during a fall, it likely needs inspection revealed no internal
replacing. Scrapes or dents damage—just cosmetic scrapes. • Don’t stuff gloves inside, as
indicate that it has absorbed an
impact, which can compromise its We plan to have The Helmet this can ruin the soft liner.
structure. Once that happens, it Inspection Company evaluate • Never hang it on your bike’s
may not perform as well in a several helmets to better mirror; dirt can compress the
subsequent incident. If you have understand their safety and EPS liner.
insurance coverage for your gear,
now is a good time to use it. longevity, especially after drops or
exposure to harmful substances. • Keep it off the tank to protect it
from petrol fumes.
If it was simply dropped without Diggory Rush’s Experience with
any serious force, it might still be the Helmet Inspection Service • Avoid leaving it on the seat,
usable. A store can inspect it, but
they may not be able to check for Diggory Rush, a member of where it’s prone to falls.
damage between the inner and
outer shells, where issues can BikeSocial, recently tested this By following these guidelines, you
inspection service. After a crash
can help ensure your helmet
occur without any visible signs.
where he somersaulted but remains in top condition, ready for
landed on his feet, he was the road ahead. LHR
M a n u f a c t u r e r s g e n e r a l l y
concerned about his Shoei
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