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What is CAN-bus on a motorcycle? Tech explained

                                                                                           dashboard,  making  it  easier  for
                                                                                           users  or  mechanics  to  identify
                                                                                           problems without tracing through a
                                                                                           tangle of wires and fuses.

                                                                                           Disadvantages of CAN-bus
                                                                                           One  drawback  of  the  CAN-bus
                                                                                           system is that it often has a built-in
                                                                                           limit for power draw or resistance
                                                                                           from  connected  components.  If
                                                                                           y o u   t r y   t o   a d d   e l e c t r i c a l
                                                                                           accessories,  such  as  brighter
                                                                                           bulbs or heated grips, the system
                                                                                           might interpret this as a fault and
                                                                                           shut  down  the  circuit.  For  added
                                                                                           safety,  it’s  usually  best  to  wire
                                                                                           accessories directly to the battery.

                                                                                           When integrating with a CAN-bus
                                                                                           system, caution is necessary. For
             h e   O B D   ( o n - b o a r d     This reduces the amount of wiring         instance,  tapping  into  the  main-
             diagnostics)  port  on  your        needed,  simplifying  installation        beam  circuit  of  a  KTM  1050
       Tmotorcycle is just the tip of            and cutting costs. However, it can        Adventure  for  a  spotlight  might
       the iceberg when it comes to the          complicate  things  for  home             seem  logical,  but  that  wire  also
       complex  world  of  CAN-bus  data         mechanics  trying  to  trace  wiring      transmits  crucial  sensor  data,
       signals.                                  i s s u e s .   F o r   e x a m p l e ,   potentially  causing  interference.
                                                 disconnecting  the  tail  light  might    Some accessories require signals
       What is CAN-bus?                          not yield the expected results, as        from  existing  components  to
       CAN-bus is a messaging system             the  system  may  power  the              function correctly, so it’s essential
       that enables all electronic devices       indicators  instead  if  it  doesn’t      to  verify  compatibility  with  the
       on  a  motorcycle  to  communicate        recognize the bulb or LED.                manufacturer.
       with each other. “CAN” stands for
       Controller  Area  Network,  while         W h i c h   M o t o r c y c l e           Charging a CAN-bus Equipped
       “bus”  refers  to  the  wiring  that      Manufacturers Use CAN-bus?                Motorcycle
       carries these signals. So why is it       Today, nearly all major Japanese          Maintaining  the  battery  is  crucial
       becoming  standard  on  so  many          and  European  manufacturers              for the smooth operation of a CAN-
       bikes? LHR Motorcycle Magazine            have  adopted  CAN-bus,  with             bus system, as a dead battery can
       consulted the experts at Optimate         Harley-Davidson  recently  joining        lead to significant issues requiring
       for insight.                              the  trend.  Ducati  was  the  first  to   professional  resets.  While
                                                 implement it, using CAN-bus in its        m a n u f a c t u r e r s   t y p i c a l l y
       Why Do Motorcycles Use CAN-               999  superbike  in  2002  for             recommend  charging  the  battery
       bus?                                      communication between the ECU,            while  disconnected,  it’s  usually
       Historically,  a  motorcycle’s            immobilizer, and dashboard. BMW           safe  to  charge  a  CAN-bus
       electrical  system  began  at  the        followed  with  a  full  CAN-bus          motorcycle with a quality charger
       battery,  with  each  component           network starting in 2004 with the         using crocodile clips or a fly-lead.
       connected via a fuse box to ensure        GS range.
       safety. As motorcycles have grown                                                   Charging  can  also  be  simplified.
       more  complex  and  reliant  on           Benefits of CAN-bus for Riders             For example, the OptiMate 4 CAN-
       e l e c t r o n i c   c o m p o n e n t s ,   The CAN-bus system allows for a       bus edition charger is designed for
       individually  wiring  each  device        variety  of  safety,  efficiency,  and      use with CAN-bus bikes, allowing
       directly  to  the  battery  became        convenience  features  to  be             for  automatic  activation  without
       impractical. CAN-bus serves as a          integrated through software, rather       needing  to  turn  on  the  ignition.
       centralized  communication  hub           than needing complex wiring. This         Always check compatibility before
       b e t w e e n   t h e   b i k e ' s   E C U   means  more  functionality  at  a     using any charger to ensure it can
       (Electronic  Control  Unit)  and  its     lower cost. It also simplifies fault-      operate  safely  without  manual
       various  devices,  allowing  data  to     finding;  any  issues  can  trigger  a     intervention.
       flow through a single wiring loom.         fault  code  displayed  on  the

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