Page 26 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
P. 26
Nepal Village School wishes to establish a system to connect Fellows who
Oral Health Program lead volunteer programs with those hoping to make
the donations.
As Nepal emerges from COVID lockdowns, activities
are slowly resuming. All members of the program’s Towards that end, the Section VIII Admin Officer will
dental team experienced COVID infections and they maintain a list of Fellows who lead or participate
are now trying to avoid dengue fever. Nepal, according in volunteer programs who wish to be notified
to the World Health Organisation, is experiencing the of potential donations. If you are involved with
worst dengue outbreak in its history, attributed partly volunteer dental work and wish to place your name
to the warming of the region and exacerbated by on this list, please contact the Section VIII Admin
poor water and sanitation infrastructure that creates Officer, Dr Ron Robinson, at admin@icdsectionviii.
favourable breeding conditions for mosquitoes. org. When the Admin Officer receives correspondence
from someone wishing to donate dental equipment,
Against this background, the team provided dental instruments and/or supplies, everyone on the list will
care to almost 300 children in the remote schools be notified.
of Thangpal Dhap and Bhotenamlang and delivered
toothbrushes and toothpaste for the resumption Section VIII will act solely as a contact point for
of the school based tooth brushing programs. The donors and for Fellows interested in being notified.
school staff enthusiastically welcomed the return of It will be up to potential recipients to contact donors
the dental program. and progress all aspects of the donation process.
The dental team also took the opportunity to trial
a prototype portable hand washing unit designed
by the Paul Pholeros Foundation. This unit is being
developed in response to the increased demand for
hand washing after the impact of COVID, primarily
for use in regions with poor water reticulation
Sandra Meihubers,
Donations of Equipment,Instruments
& Supplies
At times retiring dentists and others contact Section
VIII about donating equipment, instruments and/or
supplies for volunteer dental programs. The Board