Page 21 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
P. 21

•  Silver  Diamine  Fluoride  is  easy  to  teach,  approach  ensures  our  team  interacts  directly  with
               easy  to  use,  less  time  consuming  and  easy  the  community  (patients)  and  provides  clinical
               to  implement  in  limited  resource  settings  treatment  using  silver  diamine  fluoride.  This  helps
               (especially in schools and outreach camps).    us demonstrate that the intervention proposed can
           •  It takes less than 10-12 minutes to complete a  be successfully delivered in Timor Leste (not just on
               successful application per child.              paper  but  in  practice).  Additionally,  providing  the
           •  Can treat many patients in a single visit       service helps us better understand grassroot realities
           •  Does  not  require  extensive  equipment  and  and evolving needs of the population. Together both
               material,  hence  cheaper  when  compared  to  approaches  provide  Maluk  Timor  a  strong  base  to
               other dental materials                         increase  our  advocacy  efforts  and  influence  oral
                                                              health policy at a health systems level.
        Budget: ICD funding from September 2021 and 2022
                                                              To read more about this project, CLICK HERE.
                       Detailed Explanation
        Country Context Timor Leste:                                Project Yeti Has Resumed
        Currently,  the  Timorese  Ministry  of  Health  (MOH)                 after COVID
        have registered 18 dentists and 96 dental nurses in
        Timor  Leste,  with  an  average  of  one  dental  nurse   Finally, after a prolonged period of travel restrictions
        per 13,541 population. Dental nurses are the main     due to COVID, it was exciting to return to Nepal in
        providers of primary oral health care in Timor Leste,   April to resume the work in the clinic.
        and  they  are  charged  with  managing  oral  disease
        in  the  population.  With  comprehensive  treatment
        of dental problems beyond the scope and capacity
        of  the  existing  dental  health  workforce,  the  MOH
        focuses on oral health promotion and the prevention
        of oral diseases, while making emergency dental care
        available throughout the country.

        From a comprehensive list of obstacles/ hindrances
        to the population accessing good quality oral health
        care in Timor Leste, we identified a major problem
        that can be addressed by Maluk Timor. Dental nurses
        receive  limited  professional  development  and  little
        ongoing support to enable them to carry the burden
        of providing sustained care for the population. While  The  volunteers  were  from  diverse  backgrounds.
        other parts of the health sector have received much  Atish  and  Lynne  from  Queensland  quickly  settled
        more  attention,  the  oral  health  workforce  remains  and started in the first week.   Gemma from Wales,
        underserved.                                          Kalyopy from Texas, Karishma from India and Melinda
                                                              from Australia followed on. All the equipment was in
        What does our Oral Health Team do:                    working order except for one aging Statim autoclave.
        Maluk  Timor’s  Oral  Health  program  applies  two  A Chinese B class autoclave was purchased to add to
        approaches to dental caries prevention in Timor Leste  the two other autoclaves.  I was amazed that all the
        (figure  1).  Our  primary  approach  involves  capacity  air and water lines were intact.
        building  the  MOH  oral  health  workforce  whereby
        fundamentally  we  are  developing  competency-       There  was  a  huge  backlog  of  dental  work.  The
        based  modules  and  leveraging  relationships  with  monastery  accepts  new  young  monks  and  nuns
        MOH  to  approve  these  modules.  This  guarantees  every year so there was a lot of work to do. The 8 to
        that  our  modules  are  accepted  by  MOH  and  10-year-olds who come from backgrounds of poverty
        autonomous bodies of MOH as well as the National  had a high decay rate in their mixed dentitions. The
        Dental  Association  Timor  Leste  and  other  national  dental teams were superb with these kids, many of
        and  international  organisations.  Our  secondary  whom were having their first ever dental check.

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