Page 22 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
P. 22

Not only did our team complete an incredible amount  spectacular but arduous 12-hour road trip to reach
        of work, but also completed a much needed clean  Chialsa. The Chialsa Project is vital in a region where
        out of the aging materials and equipment, initiated  the  Sherpa  families  are  so  poor  and  are  unable  to
        by the ever efficient and tireless Lynne, Gemma, and  obtain  basic  medical  and  dental  treatment.  It  is  a
        Melinda. They stayed after clinic hours to conduct a  week of working in a unique location (2700m altitude)
        comprehensive stock take and clean out.               with morning views above the clouds for incredible
                                                              stoic and resilient people.

        In  summary,  the  work  completed  included:  181    Pleasingly the oral health of the school children has
        examinations,  62  extractions  (mainly  deciduous),   improved. Thanks to the time invested in treatment
        270  fillings,  17  sealants,  35  scale  and  cleans,  21   and  prevention  by  the  visiting  teams  and  heartily
        radiographs and 4 RCTs. Unfortunately, at this visit,   supported  by  the  teaching  staff,  we  are  seeing
        there was little time for a more preventive approach.  positive results for the Sherpa students at school in
        During my second visit for two weeks in October, I    Chialsa in the Solukhumbu district.
        was joined by two teams - one group for the Kopan
        clinic and the other for Chialsa.  We caught up on a   George Manos,
        lot of unfinished work, particularly with the younger
        8 to 12-year-old group at Kopan and completed many
        scale  and  cleans  for  the  senior  monks.  The  team
        included Mark Nathan, Sherri Simmonds, and Margo         Rotary Tonga Dental, Medical
        Adamska. Plans for a further upgrade of equipment            and Schools Project 2022
        are in place for 2023.
                                                              Editor’s Note: Fellow David Goldsmith returned from
                                                              two weeks in Tonga in October and has sent an extensive
                                                              report about the culmination of projects he has been
                                                              leading  there  over  the  past  several  years.  Below  is
                                                              an  abbreviated  version  of  the  dental  component  of
                                                              David’s incredible work.   TV video coverage  of the
                                                              opening ceremonies for the new facilities provided by
                                                              Rotary at both Queen Salote College and Tupou College
                                                              are available for viewing on Facebook and youtube:

                                                              Queen Salote College - CLICK HERE to view the
                                                              Commissioning of the Tupou College Dental Clinic on
        The dedicated Chialsa group were led by John Denton
        and  Jude  Allsopp  who  helped  initiate  the  remote   Tupou College - CLICK HERE to view the Inspection
        clinic in 2016. They were joined by Atish and Lynne,   Celebration of Tupou College Toloa Dental Clinic on
        who  returned  for  a  second  time  this  year.  It  is a   You Tube.

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