Page 17 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
P. 17

Healthy Kids Cambodia                        We’ve set up a mailing list to keep everyone up to
                                                              date on the Cambodia National Action Plan for Oral
        Despite being in-and-out of lockdown over the last 12   Health  2022-2030.    We’ll  send  out  a  brief  update
        months since last November our team have managed      every 2-3 weeks.  Please CLICK HERE and consider
        to serve over 6000 children. This involved performing   signing up to the mailing list.
        twice  as  many  silver  diammine  fluoride  (SDF)
        treatments (>12,000 treatments), sealing over 9000    Bethy Turton
        teeth  and  restoring  nearly  1000  teeth.  After  seven
        years  of  testing,  communicating,  and  mapping  out
        our work, we now have a chance to use our learning        The Kimberley Dental Team
        to  inform  the  government  health  system’s  actions.
        What this means is that the Healthy Kids team will do   The Kimberley Dental Team Ltd. (KDT) is a not for profit,
        our first demonstrations of the Healthy Kids program   non-government, volunteer organization established
        within  the  government  system.  In  the  coming     in 2009 to address the significant disparities in oral
        months,  the  team  will  work  with  two  government   health faced by Indigenous communities in remote
        health centres to perform health screening and apply  Western Australia. KDT’s mission is “to improve the
        SDF in schools. This test project, and the feedback  general  wellbeing  and  dental  health  of  Indigenous
        we  get  from  it,  will  inform  the  implementation  of  children and their families in primarily the Kimberley
        the National Action Plan for Oral Health 2022-2030  region  of  Western  Australia  thereby  reducing  the
        (NOHAP).  The  community  at  ICD  has  made  this    long-term cost and suffering dental disease inflicts.”
        possible and those first two demonstrations will be
        covered by our recently awarded ICD grant.            In 2022, Teams of 8 to 9 volunteers, including seven
                                                              final  year  DMD  students,  were  active  for  three
                                                              weeks  in  May/June  and  three  weeks  in  late  July/
                                                              August.  A  total  of  791  patients  were  seen  -  248
                                                              adults  and  543  children.  Using  the  Treasury/DVA
                                                              scale of fees, this represents $84,743 of adult care
                                                              and  $157,091  of  child  care,  a  total  of  $241,834.
                                                              The  2,634  services  provided  included,  in  a  broad
                                                              overview, 850 diagnostic services, 1208 preventative
                                                              services,  462  restorations  and  214  extractions.

                  The Healthy Kids team from left to right: Mr
                 Mengchay, Ms Nary, Dr Tida, and Mr Kimhab

        The NAPOH is the result of partnership among the
        Oral Health Bureau, the University of Puthisastra, and
        One-2-One Cambodia. There are four action areas (1)
        Maternal  child  health  where  we  hope  to  integrate
        oral health promotion with routine vaccinations, (2)
        School  based  health  where  were  hope  to  include
        topical  applications  of  fluoride  and  oral  health
        screening  with  school-based  health  activities,  (3)   Last year, having been absent from the Kimberley in
        Older adult support where we hope to pilot primary    2020,  we  provided  more  acute  care  and  generally,
        health care pathways, and (4) Oral cancer where we    oral  hygiene  had  waned  considerably,  especially
                                                              the remoter the area we visited. It was good to see
        hope  to  find  better  ways  of  identifying  soft  tissue   this year that improved oral hygiene was generally
        lesions  on  gums,  cheeks  and  tongues  before  the   observed and there was less demand for acute care,
        lesions become problematic.                           but still more than in 2018 and 2019. It is interesting

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