Page 15 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
P. 15

a big “ ” each night …  but only after the child has           Gudfala Smile Nurse Training
        brushed their teeth of course.                        Designed  to  complement  the  Gudfala  Tut  Skul
                                                              brushing program, the “Gudfala Smile Nurse Training
        Whilst the Gudfala Tut Skul Program is now operating  Course” might be just a pilot program at this stage,
        on  four  of  Vanuatu’s  sixty-three  inhabited  islands,  but the hope is that by up-skilling existing registered
        the big focus is naturally on the urban centres.  This  nurses, through their participation in this week-long
        is  because  the  2017  National  Oral  Health  Survey  training course, they can make a positive impact on
        revealed that caries experience was more than twice  the oral health of children under the age of 4.  The
        as  high  in  urban  centres  compared  to  rural  areas,  Vanuatu National Oral Health Survey 2017 revealed
        with a mean DMFT of 10.92. Again, with the help of  caries prevalence in 5 to 7-year-old children was 70%,
        ICD funding and dedicated local oral health workers,  implying  that  many  children  already  have  dental
        such  as  dentist  Dr  Julianne  Tevi  at  the  Northern  caries before they enter kindergarten at the age of
        Provincial Hospital’s Oral Health Department, 100%  4  years.  Special  thanks  to  the  Northern  Territory
        of Luganville’s kindergartens and primary schools are  Health Department for allowing MSM to modify their
        now participating in Gudfala Tut – that’s around 2,000  “Healthy Smiles”  training  course  for  the  Vanuatu
        children at 30 sites.  Here’s a short video from one of  context.
        the participating kindies - “Coolidge Preschool”, which
        conveys  something  of  the  program’s  effectiveness  Furthermore, the introduction of the Gudfala Smile
        featuring the principal Mrs Rosina.  (CLICK HERE).    course within the Bachelor of Nursing undergraduate
                                                              program,  has  the  potential  to  profoundly  improve
          World Health Organization’s Involvement             oral health of Ni-Vanuatu.  Largely through:

                                                                  •  emphasis  on  early  identification  of  oral
                                                                     disease in young children,
                                                                  •  establishment    of   appropriate    referral
                                                                  •  caries risk assessment,
                                                                  •  anticipatory guidance for parents and carers,
                                                                  •  application of fluoride varnish as a preventive
                                                                     strategy to the teeth of children from the age
                                                                     of 18 months up to 4 years, and
                                                                  •  documentation  of  the  information  within  a
                                                                     recognised early childhood health care plan.

                                                                       Making Our Own Toothpaste
                                                              A key element of the Gudfala Tut Skul Program is that
                                                              Medical Sailing Ministries Inc. (MSM) manufactures
                                                              their own coconut oil-based toothpaste in Vanuatu.
                                                              It is manufactured under licence using a formulation
                                                              developed by Dentalife Australia, in consultation with
        Another exciting development, following the World  MSM, who stipulated that it be based on coconut oil
        Health  Organisation’s  (WHO)  landmark  Oral  Health  and appealing to children with respect to colour and
        Resolution last year, has been the appointment of an  taste.
        oral health project coordinator; funded by the WHO,
        and based in Port Vila. The successful candidate, Dr   Having, trialled three different colours and flavours
        Evatt Ala, began in March this year, with her key duties   on Ni-Vanuatu children attending Vila Central School
        being to manage the Gudfala Tut Skul program, and     in  2018,  the  current  formulation  of  pink,  bubble
        the implementation of an oral health training course   gum-flavoured Gudfala Tut Paste has become well-
        called  Gudfala  Smile.  As  evidence  of  the  WHO’s   known and loved by the children in the Gudfala Tut
        support, they have recently produced a video of the   Skul Program.  Demand is also growing more broadly,
        Gudfala Tut program. CLICK HERE to  view.             with the prospect of a ‘retail’ version of Gudfala Tut

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